Ukraine: They Left The Windows Open At The Lab – IOTW Report

Ukraine: They Left The Windows Open At The Lab

U.S. Funds Ukrainian Former Bioweapons Facility Handling ‘Dangerous Materials… With Windows Wide Open’.

In Odessa, where 44 scientists and about 140 support staff carry out research in the I.I. Mechnikov Anti-plague Scientific and Research Institute, scientists wearing cotton smocks and surgical masks work with lethal microbes that in the West would be locked away in high-containment laboratories and handled only by scientists in spacesuits.

16 Comments on Ukraine: They Left The Windows Open At The Lab

  1. This is how it ends. A virulent disease far worse than the Andromeda Strain escapes from a bio lab in a war torn country because some idiot left the window open. Actually man doesn’t deserve any better.

  2. “…work with lethal microbes that in the West would be locked away in high-containment laboratories and handled only by scientists in spacesuits.”

    …until such time as aging Western politicians thirsting to exercise ultimate power before they die tell them to put it in a fake vaxxine and start injecting the parts of the population they don’t like with it after a campaign of fear and coercion that directly violated the Nuremberg laws…

  3. …and why were those materials there?

    How would the US Government feel if Northern Mexico has BioLabs in Mexican Drug Cartel Territory?

  4. And we wonder why Russia doesn’t feel secure with a US vassal as a neighbor?

    One of the poorest countries in Europe, with no Bio-Med industry running Bio-Research facilities, funded by the DoD and State Department begs lots of questions.

  5. It was done intentionally just like the Wuhan was done intentionally. Why is Fauci still breathing – that isn’t an accident either. He’s a protected species. Next up – smallpox mixed with HIV.

  6. The NWO has been researching for years to develop a virus that kills all the little people of no importance to them while sparing their high and mighty asses. COVID was their first attempt. They want 90% of us dead by 2030 because they think only the climate cult is worthy to live on.

  7. billyhall2546 ☑ MARCH 13, 2022 AT 10:30 AM
    ‘“With Windows Wide Open”

    surely they had screens in place’

    …they had jalousie windows instead. They figure the virus is too lazy to change directions as it moves towards the outside.

  8. TheMule MARCH 13, 2022 AT 1:12 PM
    “The NWO has been researching for years to develop a virus that kills all the little people of no importance to them while sparing their high and mighty asses. COVID was their first attempt. They want 90% of us dead by 2030 because they think only the climate cult is worthy to live on.”

    …probably true, but also probably another of their massive miscalculations. If you COULD kill 90% of the world’s population, the 10% will NOT be able to dispose of the corpses.

    Dead bodies are quite toxic to live ones, can poison the soil and the water and the air, and act as incubators for diseases they HAVEN’T immunized themselves against.

    This would also make the insect and bird populations explode, which would then become an infestation in the homes of the elite that will carry the diseases of the dead to them wherever they are.

    And if they killed all the people who know how to bury people and exterminate bugs, and also the people who make effective chemicals for that purpose, and refuse to use the effective chemicals anyway, they won’t be outliving us by much.

    Douglas Adams, in his “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series, posited a society that tricked all of their middlemen, including their telephone sanitizers, into getting on a ship and being launched into space by themselves to populate Earth.

    The last thing we find out about the society that did that was that they were all wiped out by a virus that spread through infected telephones.

    …it would be like that…

  9. @SNS,

    I never claimed the climate cult is smart nor wise. Quite the opposite in fact. But they are the kind of people who live in a bubble chamber of wealth & privilege and, therefore, are prone to think their thoughts and desired narratives determine reality; not the other way around. They’re solipsistic people who never got punched hard enough in the face as a kid to snap out of their reverie of self-obsessed, infantile bullshit.


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