Ukraine whistleblower wants Adam Schiff to write their testimony instead of appearing in person – IOTW Report

Ukraine whistleblower wants Adam Schiff to write their testimony instead of appearing in person

Well, it’s not exactly what they said, but it is exactly what they need to have happen.

Do you suppose Adam will use his pencil neck to write it up?

Ukraine whistleblower wants to testify in writing instead of appearing in person-

fox– The Ukraine whistleblower at the center of the House Democratic impeachment inquiry wants to testify to Congress in writing instead of appearing in person, Fox News has confirmed.

The Wall Street Journal first reported that lawyers for the anonymous CIA officer have asked lawmakers if the whistleblower could submit testimony in writing, but the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have not yet responded.

The request comes amid Democrats’ desire to protect the identity of the whistleblower, along with worries over safety and media scrutiny. President Trump and Republicans believe the president should have a right to confront his accuser, and have also cited new reports indicating the whistleblower could have partisan motives. His attorneys have acknowledged he is a registered Democrat who has worked with at least one 2020 candidate. On Thursday, reports surfaced that the candidate was Joe Biden.


7 Comments on Ukraine whistleblower wants Adam Schiff to write their testimony instead of appearing in person

  1. …so the lawyers can write the responses…HA!

    Hopefully, it’s a sign the whole “WhistleGOSSIPer” thing is falling apart. I mean, if they can’t even SHOW UP to accuse a PRESIDENT?!

    No prob, they’ve got oodles of new “complaintants” in the works….


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