Ukraine Winning the Meme War with Putin – IOTW Report

Ukraine Winning the Meme War with Putin

Sure, Russia far out numbers Ukraine in tanks, planes and ground forces, but Putin’s immoral aggression against a neighbor has left him wide open in the meme wars. Here

Over the top commentary on the Meme war against Russia by former drill sergeant and currently suspended cop, Richard Hy, i.e. Angry Cops. Watch

15 Comments on Ukraine Winning the Meme War with Putin

  1. I dunno, I saw a good one from the Putin camp. He was riding that bear and the caption said, “It’s not Ukraine, It’s Mykraine.

  2. You can say this is immoral of Russia but I think Putin is just protecting Russia from the US. If you don’t think the US would unleash pathogens on the Russian people, you haven’t been paying attention to what “scientists” have done to the US population for the last two years.

  3. General Malaise>
    First of all, that meme is fucking hilarious.
    Second, HOLY SHIT. The data on those biolabs will keep the media in convulsions trying to cover it up.

  4. Putin:

    I will play Ukraine like it’s ukelele.
    We will call new province New Yuke.
    Zelensky? Hah! Is good only for Yuks.
    Biden knows we can Nuke Uke while he takes nap!
    Biden kaputski.

  5. It sure appears as if Ukraine is a money laundering operation for Soros. Every high power Libtard and their kids get a check from them. Including President Retard and his drug addled son. The smartest guy on the planet apparently. Even Pelosi’s spawn collects a check. You know damn well the Clinton Foundation payed many an assassin off with money from Ukraine. All the while demonizing Russia and Trump. Problem is Putin might have bitten off a little more than he can chew. Russia has an amazingly small economy. About the same as Italy. Slightly smaller than Texas’s economy. They have three commodities. Weapons, oil, and Vodka. And sometimes their weapons don’t work so good.
    I remember after 9-11 when Russia warned us a bunch of times of impending terrorist attacks. And we did the same for them. We can thank Hitlary for making them an enemy, and we can thank the retard for putting them on the warpath.

  6. And speaking of their shitty economy, here we are sending them 10’s of millions of dollars every day for oil we could be producing at home. WTF are these people doing to our country and when do we say ENOUGH!!

  7. it appears the Goa’uld have infiltrated putins body. he does not appear to be thinking very well lately. he has surrounded himself with the cylon human impersonators, and has sent his young storm troopers on a path to early deaths. it looks as if he on a suicidal mission to end the country of russia and needs some mental health assistance in the way of a 5150 checkup. this is clearly a cry for help from vlad. it’s so sad to watch him do this and not be able to help him in his desperate time of mental health needs. I can’t imagine the enormous amount of pressure he must be under. we must pray for vlad to get better soon.
    So, I’m putting together a care package for putin, to deliver ‘many, many’ MK 318 5.56 77 grain projectiles with the help of my Ukrainian friends. I’ll be praying for a fast and accurate delivery.

  8. Buffoon Biden had made “assurances” and promises of “military strength” to Ukraine which he didn’t keep and instead took his stumbling feet to hide in Delaware. Yes Putin is a punk-azz bully while the windsock Biden is a pretentious chronically lying terrorist who has/is acted against all Americans.


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