Ukraine’s Top Prosecutor Reviewing Biden-Linked Burisma Case – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s Top Prosecutor Reviewing Biden-Linked Burisma Case

Breitbart: Ukraine’s new top prosecutor announced he will open a review into the criminal proceedings dismissed against Burisma Holdings, an oil and gas conglomerate with ties to Joe Biden’s youngest son, Hunter.

Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine’s newly appointed prosecutor general, announced at a press conference on Friday that his office will review 15 prior cases that were closed under suspicious circumstances by his predecessor.

“We are now reviewing all the cases which were closed, fragmented or investigated earlier in order to make a decision on cases where illegal procedural decisions were taken,” Ryaboshapka said. more

4 Comments on Ukraine’s Top Prosecutor Reviewing Biden-Linked Burisma Case

  1. I told everyone about Ukraine years ago!!! Everyone laughed at me! Well, the CommieCrat party is totally involved in Ukraine, they made up that BS about Russia ‘annexing’ Ukraine as well.
    The Commies put Nazis in power In Ukraine. Soros OWNS the disaster in Ukraine.
    Trump has had ZERO to do with Ukraine!
    He has enough ammo to BURY the Commies. DO IT!!


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