Ukraine’s Upcoming ‘Peace Summit’ in Switzerland Developing Into a ‘Fiasco’ – Zelensky Warns Biden That Not Being Present ‘Is a Standing Ovation for Putin’ – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s Upcoming ‘Peace Summit’ in Switzerland Developing Into a ‘Fiasco’ – Zelensky Warns Biden That Not Being Present ‘Is a Standing Ovation for Putin’

GP: There’s something odd about the fact that Ukrainians mean to host a diplomatic meeting in Switzerland that supposedly is a ‘peace summit’ but that does NOT count with the presence of one of the warring parties.

Not only that, but the losing side appears determined to establish the conditions for peace – have they not heard that ‘history is written by the victor‘?

Whatever the rationale behind it, it is now becoming increasingly clear that the oncoming Ukraine ‘peace summit’ is developing into a big flop.

The fact that US President Joe Biden will probably not be present at the event led embattled Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ‘issue a warning’ over his non-attendance. more

24 Comments on Ukraine’s Upcoming ‘Peace Summit’ in Switzerland Developing Into a ‘Fiasco’ – Zelensky Warns Biden That Not Being Present ‘Is a Standing Ovation for Putin’

  1. Both are failing miserably?
    Meanwhile the defendant gave morning & afternoon shit-slingin crapfest on a daily basis. Talk bout goin over like a ton of bricks. He miswell of stepped into a pair cement shoes. Played the wrong dipstick card, but the rest of us thank him, handed him a knife & he proceeded to cut his own throat.

  2. “ Anonymous
    FRIDAY, 31 MAY 2024, 14:56 AT 2:56 PM”

    Have you ever asked the demons that are running you what their names are?

    You are a child of the Father of lies. You are a child of Satan.

    You are destined to spend an eternity in the lake of fire, if you stay the way you are.

  3. It’s ironic that the left calls Israel genocidal for killing Hamas as they should be doing, yet love Zelensky and sends billion$ and weapons so that he can kill off his own people in a war they can’t win.

  4. @ HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL FOR $$ FRIDAY, 31 MAY 2024, 16:36 AT 4:36 PM

    The dirty motherfuckers have been doing everything in their power to create a worldwide famine and kill off innocents by the hundreds of millions. It isn’t the left, it’s the progressive movement and that encompasses a lot more than the left.

  5. “It isn’t the left, it’s the progressive movement and that encompasses a lot more than the left.”

    The Uke is a feeding grounds for all of the parasites, anybody from Soros to our Shadow Government, CIA, and throw in a little Klaus Von Dick Head just for good measure. And it’s all about laundering money. Ours. It’s is Obama’s redistribution of wealth in motion. Of course the Military Industrial Complex gets a big old cut too. It’s a feeding grounds for the elite. And at the end of the day they’re not going to be many male Ukrainian’s running around.

  6. Money laundering, human trafficking, this administration and congress are support all of it.

    April of 2022, Johnson did go to Ukraine and met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
    Now, at the time, It was reported that Johnson’s position was that the collective West, (US & UN) for lack of a better term, wasn’t actually ready for Ukraine to come to a peace deal.

  7. This guy really has some noiv. He’s holding a peace conference without Russia as if Ukraine is the one in the driver’s seat

    Then he scolds US and China for not attending as if Ukraine is 18th century France, the center of diplomatic activity .. as opposed to a country that never should have existed in its current form in the first damn place

  8. The entity in charge, the actor prevailing in the fight, is not attending and the leader of the proximate loser is berating its patron, the entity being defeated in the field, for failing to send an adequate representative to the empty talks?

    Awkwardly long sentence to pose an awkward question. The left in the west is merde, excrement, sheise, feculence, a fetid smear on the face of humanity.


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