Ukrainian Skim Isn’t a Dairy Product – IOTW Report

Ukrainian Skim Isn’t a Dairy Product

Trending Politics

[Seymour] Hersh’s report accuses the Ukrainian government of using U.S. taxpayer money to purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. He further suggested that Ukrainian officials are “competing” to set up front companies for export contracts to private arms dealers around the world.

The issue of corruption was raised during a meeting between CIA Director William Burns and Zelensky in January, according to the report. An intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting reportedly told Hersh that Burns delivered a striking message to Zelensky.

Hersh remarkably claimed: “The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.’” More

15 Comments on Ukrainian Skim Isn’t a Dairy Product

  1. How many know now that their All-American Brands are mostly owned by Foreign Corporations out of New York Wall Streets?

    Most of those Honey nutted flakes and grains are sole sourced across Ukrainian Fields.

    Did you know Thomass English muffins are a Bimbo brand.

  2. It’s no secret that Ukraine has been a willing and convenient vehicle for money laundering and corrupt business schemes for American politicians at the highest levels. However, it’s simply one player in a long list of others including US based corporations, universities, foundations and other groups who accept mass amounts of taxpayer money and return it to politicians through political contributions. Until profit is removed from politics not one thing will change, especially since there’s no consequences or accountability when politicians are caught as the beneficiaries of such abuse. Hell, the Bidens have sold out the country for financial gain for decades. Ain’t nothing new with the Ukraine corruption. There’s plenty to go around.

  3. So we must indeed fight in Yookraine to defend ‘western democratic values and rights’ !

    Behold how noble those ‘values’ are! Nancy Pelosi, mini Nancy (Liz Cheney) and wannabe Nancy (Lindsey Graham) are so Brave, and Honorable and Constitution self-Draping!


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