UK’s “Herd Immunity” Strategy Not Well Received – IOTW Report

UK’s “Herd Immunity” Strategy Not Well Received


The UK Government is failing to deal with the coronavirus outbreak quickly enough, according to hundreds of the country’s leading scientists.

A group of 245 experts from UK universities, including those from St Andrews, Edinburgh and Strathclyde, have urged the Government to do more to stop the spread of Covid-19.

The call comes as the UK’s approach was also called into question by the World Health Organisation (WHO) while Donald Trump added the UK to his travel ban list.

The criticism comes as news broke last night that Britain’s over-70s will soon be told by the government to self-isolate for four months to stop the spread of coronavirus. More

4 Comments on UK’s “Herd Immunity” Strategy Not Well Received

  1. I read today that as many as 82% of those with corona virus are walking around unaware that they even have it, symptoms being so mild that they think it is just a bad cold or something.

    So …… we have a virus where about 2% of the 18% that have it severely enough to be tested for it, those with compromised immune systems, are the ones dying and almost everyone else gets by fine with most unaware they even have it. That’s 2% of 18% of everyone having it.

    We need to be panicked over it?


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