UK’s Top Cop Threatens to Arrest Americans If They Post Unfavorably About Their Race Riots – IOTW Report

UK’s Top Cop Threatens to Arrest Americans If They Post Unfavorably About Their Race Riots

Fox New

London’s Metropolitan Police chief warned that officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in the U.K., but on American citizens as well.

“We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you,” Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News. More

42 Comments on UK’s Top Cop Threatens to Arrest Americans If They Post Unfavorably About Their Race Riots

  1. Well, since the brit gov and their cops can’t do shit in the face of pissed off NATIVE BRITS, threats against foreign nationals, even in their own countries must be what makes the “Po lil top cop” feel better.

    COME GET ME YOU LIMEY SHITSTAIN. (If you’re man enough, that is)

  2. Dear Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley:

    Your extreme left-wing autocratic sorry excuse for a brain doesn’t know shit about national sovereignty, much less individual sovereignty. GFY.

    Britain for Britons!

    Uncle Al

  3. There are places in Britain where the percentage of solved burglaries and other crimes is in single figures, but they are going to come after Americans in the US for prosecution?

    And the British wonder why we are so adamant about our Second Amendment rights.

    Maybe he is trying to get the British people to say “We have not yet begun to fight.”

  4. “We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media. Their job is to look for this material, and then follow up with identification, arrests, and so forth.” hmm. sound familiar? remember edward snowden the whistleblower? from his wiki. “His disclosures revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many run by the NSA and the Five Eyes intelligence alliance with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments and prompted a cultural discussion about national security and individual privacy.” import fact is “run by nsa”. so, yes with direction and cooperation of americas “rogue” nsa, american citizens are subject. remember the corrupt fisa courts? its all coming together and it is not good. fisa courts and nsa are operating legally outside of the us constitution, with the patriot act. patriot act no good.

  5. I fervently encourage every British subject (should read citizen) to overthrow the tyrannical government that has lost its right to govern. That little faggot London police chief should be the first to go. He has made it his mission in life to protect the child-raping pedophiles that have invaded Britain. I believe he supports their barbaric behavior. He looks like a first-class pervert to me. I’d gladly donate equipment that would allow the good people over there to have the means to resist the Neo-Gestapo government that has declared war on upon them. I encourage the good people there to chase down the child rapists and string them up in the streets.

  6. meanwhile the entire internet has been disinfected of any right wing movement in uk. its criminal. time to dissolve the nsa, fisa courts and the patriot act. it is not freedom of speech when us government leaves out a portion of the truth. partial truths are a major tool for the fallen one. beware of the great deceiver.

  7. Dear Chuff
    You protect the sand chiggers, groomers, pedos, and rapists.
    You prosecute your own native Brits who are bold enough to protest this unfair treatment.
    And now you want to come after Americans for taunting you? HAHAHAHAHAHA Good luck with that, ya limey wanker.

    The entire French castle scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail” comes to mind. “Now away or I shall taunt you a second time.”

    And I hope you get crushed by a catapulted cow.

  8. It would be great to have a list of web sites they monitor to arrest people. And then flood them with negative comments from here. Maybe eventually, his head would explode.

  9. Hey, queen George… or Harry… Or Bill… or whatever your faggot name might be… here’s a post… your wogs gonna get snuffed by the baker’s dozen see?? Now come get the cousin, cousin…

  10. In Britain the government can still write ex post-facto laws and bills of attainder. The British citizens don’t have freedom of speech or the right to bear arms. So at least 4 of our Constitutionally protected rights are not the privileges of British subjects, (or most other Europeans). They were also not included when the USA wrote Germany’s post WW2 constitution. Those omissions are meant to preserve the power of government against the people. And that is what the American left would love to do to Americans.

    Next time formerly Great Britain needs their asses bailed out, they might just come upon an empty well.

  11. The guy should be ashamed of himself.

    Blathering worthless bullshit he knows to be an empty threat while the filthy fukkin ragheads rape, murder, and pillage across his nation.

    If he had any self-respect he’d resign and try to rid his country of its plague.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. They are talking about Americans physically in the UK.

    Extradition from America is not on the table. Can’t be.

    This is exactly why freedom of speech was the first thing they had to add to the constitution.

    The UK has always been this way. The Brits have never tasted that freedom and here we are losing it because of the stupid lefties wanting evil Marxism.


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