UMASS Amherst Finds Almost Three-Quarters of Republicans Believe the Election Was Rigged – IOTW Report

UMASS Amherst Finds Almost Three-Quarters of Republicans Believe the Election Was Rigged

One year after thousands of supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to protest and disrupt the certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election, the results of a new national  University of Massachusetts Amherst Poll released today show 71% of Republicans – and one-third of the nation – continue to believe that Biden’s victory was illegitimate, and that Republicans continue to blame Democrats, Antifa and the Capitol Police for the events of Jan. 6. They also oppose both the continuation of law enforcement efforts to prosecute the rioters and attempts to learn more about what happened that day. More

Reviewing the methodology, I suspect the pollsters here filtered out independents. – Dr. Tar

21 Comments on UMASS Amherst Finds Almost Three-Quarters of Republicans Believe the Election Was Rigged

  1. This little blurb is from the article linked below. I’m surprised that better than 40% of dems would admit this even if they believed it. This one is a different poll than the Amherst poll you posted here Dr, Tar, but the results similarly appear to show that most people know FJB wasn’t elected.

    “A new Rasmussen poll finds that 79% of Republicans, 58% of unaffiliated voters, and even 41% of Democrats believe it is somewhat likely that cheating affected the 2020 election.”

  2. Obviously, Republicans must be barred from voting, running for or holding public office — such will be the finding of the January 6 Committee. Recommendation passed by both houses and signed by Former V.P. Biden before the end of summer.

  3. When Trump WON in 2016, it really F__ed up the Global take take over plan.
    Now they are trying to make up for lost time.
    But the people are awake, not woke.
    The only thing that concerns me more that the Dem-asses are doing, is that more people aren’t concerned.

  4. Ahem, I don’t ‘believe’ it, I SAW it.

    btw, has anyone in GA been PROSECUTED for lying about a water main failure that cleared a polling place? (so the democrats could toil through the overnight like rabid rats)

    I ‘believe’ we all saw that one.

  5. Who writes these bullshit articles? There were not “thousands (of anything) storming the capitol”, not Trump supporters, not tribbles, nothing. If the article starts with that glaring inaccuracy, the rest can be ignored.

  6. ^^^^Really, I don’t believe these claims either! Those thousands at his rally moved on after he incited them, not all but thousands & his supporters. The blame card not working. Polls, funny, more like figures pulled out of a hat. When elections are won by us/Republicans, they are fair elections. But when we/Republicans lose them, elections, they are rigged/stolen/cheated out of. Grow up, you people are making people ashamed of our once great party. Get mental help if you need it.

  7. Biden didn’t have a “victory in the 2020 presidential election.”
    He’s a Usurper.
    He’s a Traitor.
    He’s a Known Criminal.
    He’s a Known Corrupt-o-crat.
    He’s a Known Pants-Shitter.
    And he’s been a Known Liar for the entirety of his “career.”

    Fuck Joe Biden
    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Been watching this shit go on for decades and it only gets worse each year because nothing is ever done about it. Election fraud comes and goes with zero consequences which only emboldens them… to the degree that they can finally take over the entire country with all three houses! As if it wasn’t obvious enough on November 4th, evidence of Fraud in so many way and in so many places has been pouring out every week – AND STILL NOTHING IS DONE ABOUT IT!!!
    Had enough yet?

    As far as Republicans go it doesn’t surprise me that 25% of them are that stupid!

  9. How on earth did y’all make it through that linked article?!

    It’s bad enough they skewed their own (and others’) data, but they couldn’t even present it without letting their own bias spill over in every sentence!

    “…called the horde, patriots…” (Just in case, they no doubt worried, the reader should wonder if they might have been “patriots”. LOL!)

  10. If the Dems had everything rigged, they would have surely gotten more seats for themselves in Congress.
    This was a vote Trump out election and largely a status quo election otherwise. This is not a difficult concept.


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