Ummmm….ahhhhhh…hmmmm…ahhhh…well…. – IOTW Report


‘Yes or no, John Kerry’ are you and your staff allowed to use private servers?

John kerry

CAINtv: Washington DC occupies roughly 70 square miles that are home to one of the planet’s true phenomena: Within its borders it is virtually impossible to get a straight answer to a yes or no question. Instead of a quick one word response, strange forces act upon respondents forcing them to utter long, rambling, stuttering replies. Science has proven itself incapable of solving this mystery.

Our latest example this comes to us from John Kerry, who is asked a very pointed yes or no question.  MORE

9 Comments on Ummmm….ahhhhhh…hmmmm…ahhhh…well….

  1. He and Hillary are lucky that they are useful idiots to the islamists who have hacked them from stem to stern and know their every move.

    If the elites were.paying with blood like evrybody else, this would be a whole different ballgame.

  2. Sorry.
    It ain’t funny.
    It’s criminal.

    And the fact that we continue to endure dissimulation and prevarication from the people WE PAY to be our agents, is absolutely pathetic.

    We should start hanging, and not stop until one of them can answer in a single word – “PLEASE!”

  3. “John, do you eat shit?”

    “Well, let me start by saying, that in my long career of public service, I have had many things go into, and out of, my mouth, seeing as forming words and making noises is a great part of the life of a politician and Civil Servant. I can honestly say, categorically, that I have never, intentionally, with any prejudice, whatsoever, belittled or besmirched those who DO, regularly, eat shit, whether on a sandwich or “straight off the stick” so to speak, and I have no qualms about standing, side by side, with the many coprophages who inhabit the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, and, more importantly, the Media.

    And I can stand proudly with Barrack Hussein Obama and declare that, today, Ich bin ein coprophage!”

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