UN Admits Paris Accord Is Worthless – IOTW Report

UN Admits Paris Accord Is Worthless

In a grim admission,  a recent UN report on emissions worldwide foresees an unstoppable warming of the climate, even with the Paris Climate Agreement in place. That’s because the Paris Accords excluded such CO2 emitting giants as China and India.

Had the President not pulled our nation out of the agreement, The Untied States would be have been shackled to standards that would do very little to reduce CO2 levels, and would cripple our economy.


8 Comments on UN Admits Paris Accord Is Worthless


    💥 💥 💥 Liberals, who butcher the unborn by the millions, protest and spit on our soldiers, let millions of raping/beheading muslims stream across open borders, stay silent as socialist/communist tyrants murdered 10s of millions just in the 20th Century, smash windows, burn flags, harass heretics, destroy the nuclear family, Christianity, religious holidays, sports, Boyscouts, guns, free speech, our Constitution………and THESE PEOPLE…..

    ….are sincere about everyone’s health and the environment.

    -whatever buddy…

  2. I have never seen a path to lowering the global temperature – assuming of course that it is rising and that the rise needs to be stopped. The only numbers I have ever seen that even suggest a slowing or halting of the temperature rise involve every person in the entire world reducing CO2 generation by 80% or so (because we all know that CO2 is the only globull warming contributor). Which basically means the dark ages. Meanwhile the lefties want to continue to feed everyone and keep them alive, in direct opposition to their goal of CO2 reduction.

    Work on cleaning up the environment and reducing pollution, save your CO2 scam expenditures.

  3. Had this chat the other night with longtime friends who have gradually been pulled waaaay down the Lefty rabbit hole.

    They still trust MSM and believe 90% of what they read and hear there. They think WSJ and CNBC are still conservative capitalist voices of reason.

    When the MSM tell them the Paris Accords were smart and necessary and fair, they believe. Debate them and they recite NYT talking points. Dispute the talking points and they exasperatedly repeat, as if you are some small confused child, “It was in the NEW YORK TIMES.”

    They’re smart, accomplished, hardworking. Self made multimillionaires. But as trusting as children in the MSM.

    Decent but misinformed/misled folks like these are a large part of the Left’s ability to promote candidates like Obama and (both) Clinton’s.

    Anyone else have a winning suggestion for deprogramming this sort of Leftist dupes?

    Short of an EMP or Great Depression.

  4. @Rufus T. Firefly November 2, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    Self made multimillionaires.

    I feel the need to “exasperatedly repeat, as if you are some small confused child”… Being rewarded by The Party for advancing The Party… I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.

  5. The one constant with these people, some of whom agree with 0bama that this is the greatest threat to the planet (!), is that their solutions are along the lines of ‘what our dear leaders say’. And while they demand that you agree with them, their response to what they consider the greatest threat this planet faces is, well, ‘I bought a Prius’.

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