UN Chief: We’re Past Global Warming- The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived  – IOTW Report

UN Chief: We’re Past Global Warming- The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived 


July has been so hot that scientists calculate that this month will be the hottest globally on record and likely the warmest human civilization has seen, even though there are several days left remaining to sweat through. The World Meteorological Organization and the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service on Thursday proclaimed July’s heat is beyond record-smashing, the AP reports. They said Earth’s temperature has been temporarily passing over a key warming threshold: the internationally accepted goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degree Celsius—2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Some scientists calculate that this month is the hottest in about 120,000 years.

“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” Guterres told reporters in a New York briefing. “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” Buontempo and other scientists said the records are from human-caused climate change augmented by a natural El Nino warming of parts of the central Pacific that changes weather worldwide. Copernicus calculated that through the first 23 days of July, Earth’s temperature averaged 16.95 degrees Celsius, 62.5 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s nearly one-third of a degree Celsius (almost 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than the previous record for the hottest month, July 2019.


26 Comments on UN Chief: We’re Past Global Warming- The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived 

  1. The climate cult wants to murder 90% of the human population via outrageously bad energy, immigration, and fiscal policies and then pawn off the guilt of their obvious evil by claiming they were “saving the planet”.

  2. I wonder how many of these true believers know what temperature water boils at sea-level?
    How many know that “boiling” is a big part of refrigeration & air conditioning?

    Doesn’t matter, new scare word has dropped and fools rush in…

  3. Why stop higher temperatures, sounds like an effective way to reduce all of the worlds over population problem and save the earth from it’s self. Wasn’t that a key part of the pandemic plan???

  4. When you’re not getting traction, spin the wheels!

    Fucking morons need to look up at that great thermonuclear fusion reactor in the sky.

    But, I guess that their heads are so far up their asses they can’t.
    More’s the pity.
    At some point the mad dogs are gonna have to be put down.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …




    “SHAME ON YOU!!!”

  6. growing up in the DC area I recall numerous summers with true 100+ degree temps, not counting heat index/humidity. this area has not had a true triple digit summer in 5 years. they are setting their wigs on fire over a 98degree forecast tomorrow, that is a record setting temperature day because it will feel like 110. we also have had 5 mild winters in a row, to where tick season ends in December and starts again in late January. dear Lord, please CTRL+ALT+Delete and start over, I don’t see humanity making it without divine intervention.

  7. BS it’s been a mild summer here so far this summer. I attribute it to all the rain we had last winter. Water temps on the East coast is inviting for hurricanes.

  8. They calculated this is the hottest year in the past gazillion years using the same computer models that, when used to “predict” past patterns, have been totally wrong.

  9. @ Ferd
    The sun is hot all year long even in January so why can’t we get warm days when it’s 20 degrees out? I feel ripped off. But hey, they can milk this bs for more money so that’s what they do.
    Who’d of thunk it?

  10. António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres. A member of the Socialist part of Portugal. Educated in some shit hole in URUP I can’t pronounce. A member of the Carnation Revolution. Does his toilet flush? Just asking.

  11. today it climbed ASTRONOMICALLY!!!! … a WORLD RECORD !!!!! ….

    wait for it …….



    93 DEGREEEEEEEES!!!!!! …. & tomorrow it’s gonna be 99 Gazillion Degrees …. not really, just the HEAT INDEX!!!!
    We’re all gonna DIE!!!!!

    yeah …. when I was a kid, without A/C, we had days like this ….

    we called it …………………… “Summer”

  12. Lurch decided to bellow from India. Lurch gives full interview to the Hindu. This is nauseating.
    ‘No United States President can walk back on climate change commitments now: John Kerry
    The U.S. Special Envoy for Climate says America is committed to the $100-billion annual fund for developing countries, blames Trump for delay’

  13. “Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.”
    In the olden days(?) most people realized that you couldn’t. Now that many believe that they are god they think they can. (if we only send them money or behave like they tell us)

  14. I’d sooner believe monkeys will fly out of my ass by 5pm today than any UN or EU report on climate. what caused the supposed heat crisis 120,000 years ago geniuses?


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