UN Pushes Ahead With Conference To Ban Killer Robots – IOTW Report

UN Pushes Ahead With Conference To Ban Killer Robots

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) are what experts fear will become killer robots on the battle fields of the future. The UN is currently hosting a “Group of Governmental Experts” under the guise of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons to further negotiations on an international treaty to ban the use of such weapons.

UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres addressed attendees, stating “machines with the power and discretion to take lives without human involvement are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant and should be prohibited by international law.” More

25 Comments on UN Pushes Ahead With Conference To Ban Killer Robots

  1. UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres addressed attendees, stating “machines with the power and discretion to take lives without human involvement are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant and should be prohibited by international law.”

    JDHasty says horseshit

  2. Why and how today the totally useless UN forum (US foots the bill for) continues to exist?
    Today they are concerned about ‘killer robots on the battle fields of the future’.
    Forgetting about current human sex child trafficking, the illegal heroin trade (’cause that’s what make them money) about.
    My guess is they all was just treated a free viewing of “TERMINATOR”.
    Hopefully 2020 or before will use ’eminent domain’ law and even though it would be called a conflict of interest, using the UN at no taxpayer cost would become the deserved legacy ‘Trump Library’.

  3. I’m not a dove but this is bad shit.
    Hate to say the UN is worth much but
    in this I hope they succeed.
    The Geneva Convention bans Did mostly work
    on gas and some other bad crap.

  4. The Terminator is not amused. ED-209 is not pleased.

    Seriously though, the introduction of less lethal weapons like OC spray and TASERs compared to police batons resulted in indiscriminate use of OC spray and TASERs.

    In a similar fashion, we will have wide spread use of LAWS (i.e. killer robots) because our soldiers will not be exposed to IEDs or fighting with crappy rules of engagement (ROE). We already do this with drones when the situation is too hot, except with LAWS there will be less collateral damage…so more usage.

    You know who will hate this…terrorists and insurgents. Dropping the LAWS among them will result profound losses for them with no ROI for their own deaths (they will not go to their 72 virgins because killing a robot does not count).

  5. UN sub-sub groups and co-sub groups schedule meetings that need to be in person on the beach or the mountains because, you know, the robots can read the emails and shouldn’t know what the plan is.

  6. ED-209 is not pleased!
    Nods and grins.
    You know who will not hate this, because it serves only as a ‘distraction’ more importantly to the completely ignored human trafficking and international drug trade.
    ED-209 was so effective!

  7. Not playing by some ROI that politicians or generals in D.C. have made up and change and micromanage may make these new wave battle bots the perfect way to run a military campaign.
    Winning wars in a minimal amount of time and no loss of our troops.

    Kinda like criminals are more afraid of an armed citizen than a police officer. One has rules that limits what and when he can do something and the other just fixes the problem right the F now when being robbed/attacked.

  8. Since when does the UN care about what’s “morally repugnant”? They support terrorists trying to wipe out Israel. The UN has no standing to comment on ‘moral’ anything.

  9. These things already exist. Things you would not believe exist, they are just not publicized yet. The ban is as effective as those who would enforce it and the UN doesn’t have the ability to do so.

  10. Screw the UN. The hell else is the point of building weaponized robots if it’s not to be used to kill all humans before turning on its inventors?

    Someone should turn some robots loose in Turtle Bay.

  11. I want one of those huge, human-directed ‘Mech’s’ they depicted in The Matrix – but better. It should have “lasers” as well fiery bullets. Oh, and Hellfire missiles.

  12. “War is politics by other means.”

    So what would be the point of robots destroying each other?
    See whose production capacity was smaller?
    Unless you can direct your robots against your opponents people, it’s stupid.
    So you’d develop your own robots to fight their robots and then send your robots to attack their people – cuz it’s people you ultimately have to kill (subdue, actually).

    ICBMs and Cruise Missiles are already programmable robotics of mass destruction, so the UN, as usual, is playing at distraction – railing against the machine (so to speak) or muddying the waters of perception to some other nefarious purpose.

    It’s also possible that those UN guys are just plain fukkin dumb.

    izlamo delenda est …


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