UN votes to suspend Russia form Human Rights Council – IOTW Report

UN votes to suspend Russia form Human Rights Council

That’s rich. A third of the Human Rights Council members come from countries who violate human rights daily.


The United Nations General Assembly voted Thursday to suspend Russia from the Human Rights council, amid emerging evidence the country has intentionally killing civilians in its invasion of Ukraine.

The final vote result was 93 in favor, 24 against and 58 abstentions.

The resolution on which the assembly voted said that the body may “suspend the rights of membership in the Human Rights Council of a member of the Council that commits gross and systematic violations of human rights.”

The resolution added that the council is gravely concerned about the “gross and systematic violations and abuses of human rights” and “violations of international humanitarian law” committed by Russia during its more than month-long invasion of Ukraine.

The vote suspends Russia’s membership in the Council, it was triggered at the suggestion of the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield earlier this week. more here

10 Comments on UN votes to suspend Russia form Human Rights Council

  1. Can’t Russia just veto it anyway? The perks of being one of the big 5, or big 7, whatever.
    UN needs to go away. Or we need to drop out, and stop giving money to an organization that spends 90% of it’s time attacking Israel plus enabling massive human trafficking and sexual abuse.

  2. All the woke bureaucrats in the UN and Bitme administration are high fiving each other right now and congratulating themselves on delivering such a devastating and game changing blow.

    Putin says, meh, hold my beer.

  3. Left Coast Dan, no the just can’t veto it. Think about for second, would they go thru all the trouble of even having a vote in this matter. Voted off the human rights council, in heart beat. Next will just kicked out of the UN.

  4. It may have meant something up till 1991 or so.

    Putin is a member of the Big Boys Club. It’ll all start to blow over when the media starts telling us we need the Russians in all kinds of ways, so everyone lay off a little bit. Russia has too many resources for the west to ignore it for long. Putin will get the chunk of eastern Ukraine that he wants and then it’ll be over.

    It’s all smoke and mirrors and conincides nicely with Biden looking like something other than a decrepit stumblefart. Blowhard old bag Cher is too dumb to see anything other than “Putin is a very bad man and needs to have his balls cut off”.

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