UN Whines About Cash Crunch, Begs Members To Pay Dues – IOTW Report

UN Whines About Cash Crunch, Begs Members To Pay Dues


The secretary general of the United Nations told the international governing organization this week that it could be out of cash by the end of the month.

António Guterres wrote in a letter on Monday that the U.N., which is currently running a $230 million deficit, could be broke in just a matter of weeks. The members of the U.N., Guterres said, have paid just 70 percent of their obligations this year. More

O.K., here’s the part that got me laughing. – Dr. Tar


Of 193 members state, 129 have paid their annual contributions to the U.N., totaling $1.99 billion, or 70% [emphasis added] of the U.N. Secretariat’s 2019 budget. That leaves an outstanding amount of $1.3 billion for the year…

…The United States, the largest contributor to the U.N., making up about 22% [or nearly all of the 30% shortfall] of its annual budget, has not yet paid any of its required dues. More

23 Comments on UN Whines About Cash Crunch, Begs Members To Pay Dues

  1. So? Wha’cha gonna do about it? Kick the US out of the UN? Make John Birch’s dream come true! PLEASE!
    Try to collect on back dues? How? Call a collection agency to try and “strong arm” the US? (giggle) (snicker) (ROFLOLMFAO!!!)
    There MAY be a sort-of-a-solution. Make all those UN members with delinquent and outstanding traffic and parking violation tickets in NYC, make THEM pay up in full, and we MAY, just MAY decide to pay our outstanding back dues in full. But then again, maybe not.


  2. I’ll kick IN a $2 Jefferson bill if the U.N. will kick OFF from the UN Human Rights Council these stalwarts of human right suppression:

    Somalia, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Qatar, Pakistan, South Africa, China, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and last but certainly not least, Cuba.

  3. Tell the UN boot fookers to pay up or get out!
    No member should pay any dues including US.
    I hear Switzerland is beautiful at this time of year. Their other HQ is in Switzerland.

  4. One thing I Know, Don’t ask Donald J. Trump.

    From my perspective you Americans have been carrying way to much of the load. Let the Europeans who start work at 27 and retire at 53 pay for their own security and cock touching parties.

    For what its worth, I am disappointed in My Canadian assholes who underequip our own soldiers and give aid to the worlds shitholes.

  5. Why in the holy heel are we paying nearly a quarter of the budget and why in the hell do they need that much money? What do they spend the money on and what is the salary structure? Release the names of all employees, the country they are from and how much salary and compensation each one gets! Transparency you know!


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