Un-“Wise Latina” Sotomayor Thinks There Are Too Many Jews & Catholics on SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Un-“Wise Latina” Sotomayor Thinks There Are Too Many Jews & Catholics on SCOTUS

judge sotomayor

TammyBruce: Yes, the woman who said a “wise Latina” would be better on the bench than a white man. She has now decided there are too many of other sorts of people on SCOTUS in order to be, um, fair. If this now Unwise Latina thinks identity politics should direct who’s on the court, what are the odds politics are also affecting her decisions? Very high, I’d say.  more here

23 Comments on Un-“Wise Latina” Sotomayor Thinks There Are Too Many Jews & Catholics on SCOTUS

  1. This sounds like the trumpet call for Barry Soetero to join the ranks of communist leaning Jews and Catholics…In any event this looks directly like a slap in the face to the old Ruth Bader….

  2. Disgraceful pick for SC. I guess her and Kagan got the lesbian vote covered. And of course the Rule of Law is best left to homos, women, nubians and tranneys.

    Whites are so passe.

  3. You know who started all this “Let’s count people of various ethnicities to ensure there’s proper representation?”
    Jesse Jackson.
    That, more than anything, is Jesse Jackson’s legacy.
    No longer content with desegregation alone, Jesse sought to stir the pot of discontent by fighting for quotas based strictly on skin color, with a priority on color over other qualifications.
    And here Sotomayor is continuing the racket.

  4. Sylvia,in the immortal words of Pulp Fiction’s Jules Winnfield, “I don’t remember asking you a GOTT-damn thing.”

    Deciding who is and isn’t qualified and appropriate for the Supreme Court is NOT part of your job description.

  5. all I know is she isn’t a justice on my supreme court, I didn’t vote for her or her stupid ass opinion.

    too bad the “republicans” don’t impeach her and all the senators who voted to confirm this racist mexican asshole. I cannot believe the taxpayers will have to support such a stupid bint for the rest of her life. incredible! simply incredible!

  6. They just can’t hide their prejudices and biases forever.

    They’ve GOT to run their foul fucking mouths and let the truth of their vicious, lying, hateful, racist, sexist, totalitarian selves come to the fore.

    Well, thank you, Sonja, you’ve just proved what all the true Americans believed since first we saw your ugly, lying mug.

    And DAMN the Senate for approving you … and that filth Kaganovich … oh … Kagan …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Rev King is spinning in his grave.

    With leftists it’s all about race and minorities, not about MERIT.
    -Woman? check
    -Lesbian? check
    -Beaner? check

    Given half the chance, the next leftist president will nominate a Tranny for SC Justice. Just wait and see.

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