I signed up for an aggregator that was “completely unbiased.”
The first story I see is–>
—-Fans are flocking to bars that show only women’s sports on their TVs.
Long lines are expected this week outside A Bar of Their Own, where the 12 televisions will be screening March Madness. Only women’s March Madness.
And when the NCAA women’s basketball tournament isn’t monopolizing the airwaves, the bar’s TVs will blast women’s NCAA softball, women’s professional hockey and women’s Olympic qualifiers, among many other sports.
Capturing a boom in women’s sports exemplified by the University of Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, bars showcasing only women’s sports are having a marquee moment, one that’s building into a trend.—

No, Mr. Aggregator, this is a biased piece. It propagandizes and tries to create a buzz and ground swell around something that is clearly not happening.
The bar owner is a big lady who is into women’s sports. Her name is Jillian Hiscock. Yes, his cock.
I was talking to a gal who was into the women’s side of March Madness. She lamented the lack of crowds, and she said that in professional women’s basketball, the women aren’t paid nearly the same.
I said, straight out, that is the fault of women, not men.
She made a face.
I said the majority of people attending men’s sports are men. Men are into it, and they drive up the revenue for men.
There should be the same amount of women supporting women’s sports. Then they will have the revenue to pay the women.
She walked away.
I guess I was “mansplaining.”
I wouldn’t mind watching Women’s’ Beach Volleyball while sipping a glass of small batch bourbon. With the sound off.
With all the three letter acronyms being thrown around like DEI and ESG, and governments and corporations flushing tons of cash down their drains I realized we need a new acronym – SCS….Sanity and Common Sense. I would be willing to run this organization at the corporation I currently work at.
Sports is friendly combat. Women aren’t combat. They’re for other things. If they want to do combat, friendly or otherwise, go ahead I suppose. It’s not their thing though, overall, in the natural world.
Any news outlet that claims to be unbiased will almost certainly be leftist crap. They just sling shit more than non leftists do. Monkey-cage kind of thing.
Yes on women’s beach volleyball, maybe golf. A couple days after surgery the nurse asked if I wanted a shower. So I asked for a couple women’s beach volleyball shower girls. Nope, they sent in a couple east German weightlifters.
nothing as sad as an old lesbian dying alone. well, maybe an old tranny
THe only women’s sport i am interested in is NCAA women’s volleyball and the only individual i am interested in is Caitlin CLark. In my playing days, like her, I never saw a jump shot i wouldn’t take!!! Only she makes alot more of them than me.
Bring back women’s roller derby.
Remember the lingerie league of football? Put that on one screen, beach volleyball on another, some of the women’s gymnastics, etc. and maybe you could hold some interest among a room full of male beer drinkers. WNBA, NCAA basketball, etc. LOL Why not turn on women’s soccer and sell tickets to throw stuff at the screen?
If they reinstitute the draft and draft only women between the ages of 18 to 40 then I will happily pay a premium to watch them go through basic infantry training!
Roller derby, now you’re talking. She’s built like ‘frigerator with a head, my roller derby queen, round and round.
Thar site will soon be swooning over the “Earthquake Cheerleading Squad” from yesterday.
I stopped going to bars when I realized its cheaper staying home than paying bond.
Sports participants should all be nude. Both sexes. You’d certainly get a lot more male interest in women’s sports, and I’m pretty sure you’d get a lot more female interest in men’s sports. Win-win!
I think I might want to watch nude mixed wrestling.
“Sports participants should all be nude.”
That’s the meaning of “Gymnasium” – back in Ancient Greece, a woman infiltrated where the athletes trained – upon discovery all athletes had to train in the nude – hence: Gymnasium (exercise naked).
I gave up on sports a long time ago, don’t even watch Olympics or Superbowl.
Absolutely sick and tired of the idiot commentators, the infinite commercials, pretend to be hurt player rolling around on the court or field and finally those half blind referees. Don’t miss it one bit!
When I was young I used to like watching the lady gymnasts and figure skaters. Same reason as watching volleyball.
Astroturf for carpet munchers.
Professional women’s sports is a money pit and not that entertaining. Women don’t have the competitive intensity, stamina and drive to compete like men.
Besides, the market has already decided – professional women’s sports are just not profitable because of the lack of interest.
Your argument is invalid, Jillian Hiscock.
Wait for it – Professional Lesbian Mud Wrestling on every TV in bars, forced on us by the FCC.
However, every time I pass a bar at an airport, people are either yakking at each other, stuffing their faces, or drinking beer or other drinks. I rarely see anybody watching TV, no matter what sport is on.