Uncle Joe stares into the future – IOTW Report

Uncle Joe stares into the future

Black Republican Blog: The gentleman from Madame Tussauds emerged from storage yesterday to read remarks celebrating 50 million COVID-19 vaccinations. Whoever prepared the text is seeking to exploit the ignorance of Biden supporters and others who may devote 23 minutes of their lives to taking it in.

The lords of Amazon have put me in mind of Joseph Stalin this morning. I see Biden in this light. He is the source of all that is good and true. Simon Sebag Montefiore put it this way in a Times book review:

The Bolsheviks viewed the ideology of Marxism as essentially scientific in its analysis of human progress, and science was always a vital part of their conception of the Soviet Union, which they trumpeted as the first state ever founded on “scientific” principles. Its rulers, particularly Lenin and Stalin, regarded themselves as manifestations of the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” which gave them the authority to adjudicate on everything in society, including the arts and sciences. Lenin was an intellectual, at home as much in the British Museum Library as in the Kremlin. Stalin was a published romantic poet and enthusiastic autodidact with a library of thousands of books, not only read but annotated. They had the confidence to interfere in every genre of art and every discipline of science. Stalin would soon be hailed as the all-knowing coryphaeus (leader of the chorus in Greek drama) of science.

Uncle Joe, as I think of him in this context, is all but the inventor and distributor of the vaccine. His unnamed predecessor has been “disappeared” from the history. He not only didn’t have anything to do with the vaccine, he was an obstacle to it. Uncle Joe — he’s the “vaccinator” in chief (emphasis on the last syllable or you will be eliminated). read more

5 Comments on Uncle Joe stares into the future

  1. Obviously shopped! Not even Jill has ever seen his eyes that round! Big, tough, swaggering, bragging, lying Jackass Joe thinks his alter ego is Squint Eastwood…

  2. His saying he does not know when things will get back to normal is just another way of saying “never.”

    How long can Ol’ Joe carry this thing out before people start to realize that he is doing much less than Trump did? Tromp was in charge for less than a year — after Joe drags it out another two years people will have to realize that Trump was not as negligent as people say he was.

    However, by that time CNN et al might have convinced the fellow travellers that this is the “new normal.”

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