Unconventional Church Uses Heavy Metal Music to Preach the Word of God – IOTW Report

Unconventional Church Uses Heavy Metal Music to Preach the Word of God

Make a joyful noise…

OC: Some misguided people still consider heavy metal to be ‘”the devil’s music”, but a Church in Sao Paolo, Brazil is actually using it as a way to spread the word of God. Crash Church is an evangelical church attended by heavy metal fans looking to worship God through music.

Located in a large garage, Crash Church looks more like an underground rock concert venue than a Christian place of worship. The “parishioners” look just as unusual, dressed in dark colors and sporting tattoos and piercings. Pastor Antônio Carlos Batista doesn’t wear any religious garments, opting instead for jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. His arms are covered with colorful tattoos inspired by the Christian faith, and about a dozen piercings and earrings decorate his ears. He reads the Gospel from behind a medieval-looking pulpit, while the congregation follows along on their cellphones, on TV screen showing the passages being read, or on regular bibles. Batista uses everyday jargon to explain the religious texts, and performs heavy metal songs between sermons.  MORE

17 Comments on Unconventional Church Uses Heavy Metal Music to Preach the Word of God

  1. I always thought that the early heavy metal, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Dio had very Gothic Christian themes are weren’t about glorifying evil at all. I don’t know what came later, honestly.

  2. “Some misguided people still consider heavy metal to be ‘”the devil’s music”…

    Misguided how? Because they listed to lyrics? Or observed accompanying artwork?

  3. Fine by me. God created a lot of different types of people, and so long as the church leaders stay true to the Bible and its message, how and who the pastors reach out to seems all good. Heavy metal advocates would seem to be an underserved population, and if it takes Christian heavy metal music to convince them to hear the Word of God, so be it.

    If this is the wrong approach, then I suppose I will let God tell them differently at the appropriate time. But as for me, I don’t want to be questioned as to why I interfered with the spreading of God’s Word just because I wasn’t interested in the way the message was delivered.

  4. “Not all that say to me Lord-Lord will enter into the kingdom of God”. Go ahead and take your chances with what you listen to or watch on television. You think you can worship the God of creation anyway YOU want to?
    The Hebrews that left Egypt thought they could and that generation all died in the wilderness and never made it to the promised land. Rock n roll=rap=puck rock=heavy metal for worship? I’m sure satan will have a great sound system in hell for you all to listen to…..

  5. “Beware of false prophets” – no idle warning is this. One which must be taken very seriously by all who have any concern for the glory of God and their own eternal interest.

    The general characteristic of “false prophets” is that they make vital godliness to be less strict and easer then it is actually is, making godliness more agreeable to fallen human nature, and thus they encourage the unregenerated to be satisfied with something which comes short, very short, of true grace. Res Ipsa Loquitur, amen. Mahalo.

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