Uncool Things That Boomers Need To Give Up – IOTW Report

Uncool Things That Boomers Need To Give Up

This was one of those click bait articles where they drag out their list by adding one item per click. I decided to scrape it just to save you some time.

This read like some slacker sat around thinking of their parents or grandparents and just listed everything they do.

We get it, the young think the old are old. What a revelation.

But contained in this list was something that actually pissed me off. See if you can tell which one it was. (There was a secondary one that I didn’t much care for either. Points awarded for either one.)

Bon Voyaged

Cable TV Packages

Writing Checks

Using a Briefcase


Socks & Sandals


Hip Clip for Phone

Conspiracy Theories

High-Waisted Jeans

China Dishware

New Balance Sneakers

Phone Books

Jean Shorts

24 Hour News Networks

Hawaiian Shirts


Business Casual Shorts

Home Shopping Networks

Velcro Shoes

Sending emails


All You Can Eat Buffets

Dressing Like a Tourist

Knick Knacks

Bar Soap


9-5 Work Week

Blaming Millennials

Paper Bills


Cop Dramas



Fuzzy Toilet Covers

Pattern Wallpaper

Mrs. Dash




69 Comments on Uncool Things That Boomers Need To Give Up

  1. Conspiracy Theories – a term created by an ABC…organization after WWII.

    Gore Vidal – “…I’m not a conspiracy theorist…I’m a conspiracy analyst…”

    Cursive reading and writing will be the new sleeper language in the future.

  2. Diggy, having a potty mouth is never cool.

    I’m confused by ‘toast’. Is this mouth breathing millennial saying he’s too puss to eat toast? Edges too sharp? Color intimidates him?

    Toast. What a mimbo.

  3. Of the many stupid progressive commercials, the ones I hate most are the “don’t become your parents” seminars. Well stuff that you useless turds, I loved my parents, and I pity anyone who had crappy parents, or are just ungrateful selfish jerks.

  4. I think Boomers should quit sucking up to their parents by calling them the greatest generation.

    I was born in 67 so I can say that. Just barely missed being a boomer.

  5. I iron because I don’t want my family to look like they slept in their clothes. I use bar soap because I like to be clean and I use deodorant soap to boot. I write in cursive because it is quicker and it looks professional (typing is better). I even write thank you notes–gasp!! And what the heck is old about toast???

  6. The rats hating on the Boomers can go to hell.

    How many of these worthless rats can change a tire, much less patch or plug one? How many know how to work on a vehicle at all?

    I used to be the ‘hood mechanic, and I tell you, I never got a Boomer begging at my door for “help”. Many Boomers and early gen x-ers could easily segue from the analog world to the OBD world without a hitch. We understood what the computers were doing, we understood carburettors, we understood Nyquist’s Theorem (at least as far as we did what he said to do), we understood TPSs, and IACs, and quartz knock sensors. We even understood Time Domain Reflectometers.


  7. 9 to 5 work week?
    We small business owners gave that up long ago!
    Can’t get anything worthwhile done in a mere 40 hours.

    My pet peeves from this list:
    Mrs. Dash’s – Love this on a cucumber sandwich!
    Ironing – This is zen time for me, complete with the aromatherapy of crisp cotton.
    And yes, I write checks and emails; it’s called a paper trail. The millennials will get the importance of this the first time they have to go to court to sue some generation z slacker.

  8. You’ll never know happiness until you’ve ironed a fat stack of 20 dollar bills until they’re crisp.

    What. People here have all kinds of messed up kinks. Mine is clean and new money. Sue me.

  9. Seeing that so many of us here at iOTW are boomers, we could come up with a loooooong list of “uncool things that Gen Zers need to give up”.

    I’ll start off with body mods/appearances:

    — piercing of anything except earlobes, especially tongues

    — tattoos visible even if subject is wearing modest clothes

    — grossly asymmetrical haircuts, especially if hair is blue, green, purple, or vermillion

  10. @Erik the ne’er-do-well unmasked scumbag

    Yes! Time Domain Reflectometers!! I never thought anyone but myself would ever use that word, let alone the gear.

  11. “We get it, the young think the old are old. What a revelation.”

    I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience,”

    –Ronald Regan

  12. Uncle Al, I’d add over-sized rims on a vehicle, pants below their worthless ass, pronouncing “ask” as ax, not walking on the right or pushing your shopping cart down the middle of the fucking aisle…
    Oh, and those GIANT fucking holes they put in their ear lobes…WTF?
    Could NOT look more ignorant!

  13. Here’s a dumb millenial thing – unless there is a new generation that have replaced them – ripped jeans that they buy already ripped – some brands costing hundreds of dollars.

    Now which generation is stupider than the 60’s generation? Yeah, we did really really dumb shit in the 1960’s, but millenials have kicked it up a notch.

  14. Yeah, I’m with Tony R. The whole list can stay. If you’re trying to dictate to others what can go based on your own lifestyle, isn’t that the ball o’ wax we’re up against? Whatever happened to “live and let live”? I’m not going to do all my banking over my phone because every single cloud-based system can be hacked and many have; some of them, undoubtedly, by our own gov’t. I’m starting to go to a cash-based system whenever possible.

    Even when we lamented the old-fashioned, out-of-date habits of our elders, I don’t think we ever considered that they should “give up” anything. I think I’ll just file their suggestions under “Get a Life (of your own).”

  15. The Gunny, the TDR was WOW. IS WOW.

    We had Leeds & Northrup Wheatstone Bridges, and Sidekicks. We were good. Then the Dynatel 965DSP came out. Changed the world.

    I still didn’t give up my 7b Sidekick. The little one. It didn’t do AC, but I had the BA-145 for that.

    We could find anything and everything. Just pay attention.

  16. Uncle Al – first year born Gen-x’r

    Go ahead do the math…

    We just might save the former and the latter generations…

    Just sayin’…

  17. This happened to me today. When paying at the drive through take out restaurant I gave the cashier a penny along with the bills to avoid getting four pennies back in change. The teen /early 20’s looking male paused briefly then dropped the coin in the tip jar and gave me “a look”.

    They need to focus less on the tips, and more on how to calculate change in their heads.

  18. Thankful one of the items isn’t on the list – weed. I’m not eliminating anything on the list, everything is cool to me, except for tats, purple/green/pink hair, nose rings, and the white trash look. I can get a list going of uncool things a certain group of people engage in. Too many lists to get it all in.

  19. Lol. Things millennials need to give up

    Millions of pieces of metal all over their face
    Gauges in big floppy earlobes
    The idea they’re not going to work to pay for my Social Security because my money was spent on paying for social programs they support
    Tats all over their body
    Rap music

  20. There appears to be a preponderance of schooled, yet ignorant assholes vervently attempting to intimidate people to think and do what they demand.
    Far as I can tell blm and antifa communists don’t use bar or liquid soap.
    The main benefit of being the age I am, I don’t care what anyone thinks. I do as I please, wear what I want, write anyway I choose, think as I should, use cash, check, the card and am respectful to those near me where ever I go.
    OH, I don’t wear socks with my sandles, only because I can’t bend over to put them on (spine fusion was on January 19th)

    If any of my actions bothers the young and ignorant, then be bothered, ’cause I don’t care.

    One cautionary note; Don’t let any of this fool you; Don’t get in my face or threaten me. At my age my fist fighting days are in the past. Now, I consider any aggression or physical violence toward me or my wife as life threatening, that’s why I carry a locked and loaded .45 with 2- 14 round magazines. No, it ain’t heavy, neither was my brother.

  21. Al, how hard can that school have been if everything is spelled correctly…in Latin.

    Look at my Spanish. Every time I speak it I manage to piss some poor Spanish bastard off. That’s Span-I-ol learned the ol’ fashioned way. By ear.

    Also, calculate Pi to the 7th decimal across your knuckles. It’ll look bad ass. Or the atomic weight of something you like.

    You’re old. The hell you got to prove? Have some fun.

  22. Prediction for young people today:
    All of those tats will wrinkle, fade, droop and look stupid.
    Your feet will get cold, you will wear socks with everything.
    You’ll find that the IRS demands something called “proof” of what you spent on medicine, other taxes, or dodgy deductions.
    There will come a time when spelling words correctly is important, even critical.
    You will want to dress in a comfortable fashion, won’t care
    what others thing about your attire.
    All those holes in your body will look like scars as you age.
    You will think back to the time when you did have hair, no matter what color it was.
    As your fingers stiffen with arthritis, you will be grateful for slip on shoes or shoes with velcro.
    As you approach retirement age, that 9 to 5 job you refused to accept will keep your SS check as small as possible.
    You will get old, no matter how you don’t want to.

  23. It’s no coincidence that both the Constitution and Bill of Rights are written in cursive style!

    These insulant little piss wads haven’t even bothered to learn how to read the founding documents that establish and protect THEIR rights!

    Any bets on how long before the naked, boot-licking propagandist begin changing the meaning, if not the outright diction of the most important documents (after the Holy Bible of course) ever written?

    I would have never believed you could get a free people to submit to the murderous, soul shattering tyranny of communism that’s coming…but these kids are soooooo fricking stupid it won’t be long now!

  24. Holy Sh*t ! 9-5 work weeks? Haven’t worked part time like that for few decades back in high school. Awful lot of takers out there who think the world revolves around them.

  25. My ex sister in law had a toilet seat lid made of clear plastic filled with all sorts of seashells and other assorted junk. She was also a massive feminazi, I never understood why my brother married her but he tends to be fairly liberal as well. Boomers rule sure but the older we get the more we drool, just like every other older generation. And I think that legalizing pot was one of the dumbest things that ever happened. Who woulda thought that pot would ever become legal back in the 70’s. All we need is more dumbass boomers who still smoke dope and carry on like they never grew up, I hate it.

  26. They need to take that socks with sandals off their list. I’ve seen the girls in Chicago wearing those knee high athletic socks with those open toed shoes that look like fuzzy slippers. What runway did that fashion trend appear on? They must intentionally want to look like morons.

  27. @dee:

    I’m particularly annoyed by the overused phrase “No Problem!” and often feel like saying back You bet your ass I’m not the one who’s a problem!

    Hoo-boy, you hit one of my peeves, too, with that one. The next time some green-haired and pierced restaurant server, when asked for a clean spoon, replies, “Not a problem!” I’ll be severely tempted to declare, “I don’t give a rat’s ass if it’s a problem or not. It’s your damn JOB!”

  28. The pathetic little twerps are slavishly addicted to the “smart phone” {just as planned} and couldn’t function without one.
    Why anyone thinks a woman with tattoos is attractive is a mystery to me, piercings are hideously disfiguring too!

  29. Here’s my list of things everyone younger than “boomers” need to give up:
    being lazy, self-centered jerks
    staring at their phones 24 hours a day
    being offended by everything
    not understanding there are actual rights and wrongs
    thinking they are entitled to anything

  30. Except for Socks & Sandals, nothing really all that bad; well, maybe Hawaiian Shirts.

    As for Cursive, they can’t even print. What happens when the damned phone is on the charger and they need to make a note?

  31. I think that we boomers were far better off when we didn’t have computers, smart phones and other electronic devices controlling and choreographing our entire lives. And having only 3 TV channels (4 if you count PBS in its infancy) and no 24/365 news cycles except during major crisis situations like Kennedy’s assassination. I miss privacy and not having everybody to know everything about my life. Bring back cursive, landlines and snail mail and we’d all be better off. I’m good at using all 3 and it was also more civilized because of this and the use of very little profanity (like Hell, damn etc.) that is so common now

  32. How dare some goddam long-haired filthy hippie millenial make fun of me for writing checks and sending emails!!

    It’s bad enough that my hot young wife calls me Grandpa Simpson. Im getting too old for this shit that history-illiterate fucktards don’t realize that all us old farts invented & manufactured all the gizmos and gadgets and whatknot that they enjoy whilst swilling FourLoko on their Moms couch

  33. I just saw an interesting segment of Lehto’s Law that dealt with someone who pays their mortgage via the web… and Bob’s your uncle, a very bad situation happened. I’m old skool I guess. I like paying important things via a CHECK. Love good handmade / french milled bar soap. Cursive writing.. r/PenmanshipPorn. 🙂

  34. I have four. Any of these on your ‘list’, Fur (I’m guessing the last two on my list)?

    9-5 Work Week
    Sending emails
    Conspiracy Theories

    Now I’ll look at everyone’s answers. I’m sure we all have nearly the same.

  35. Crocs?
    That’s not boomers.
    NB’s 608 sneakers are the most comfortable of any; been wearing those for 20 years.
    And I find Hawaiian shirts to be cool in the God-awful TX summer and a great way to carry a concealed hip carry, so fuck you.

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