Undercover Cops Arrest Two Texas Women For Running Salons From Their Homes – IOTW Report

Undercover Cops Arrest Two Texas Women For Running Salons From Their Homes

“Both of the violators independently solicited customers via social media. “

20 Comments on Undercover Cops Arrest Two Texas Women For Running Salons From Their Homes

  1. Covid death rate is about 1/2 of 1%. As bad as that is, CV is NOT the Black Plague,
    that wiped out half of Europe in the middle ages, That was also a gift from China.
    Hospitals are empty and laying off MD’s and RN’s. Elective surgery’s need to be possible.
    The medical system will fail without them. The two CDC clowns responsible for our predicament are Drs. Quirks and Paucy.

  2. I think this answers yesterday’s question about Fascist/Nazi/Commies moving into a ‘Red’ area & whether or not they bring their ideologies (that created the need to move in the first place … ffs) w/ them

  3. welcome CA Rebel … got a great group of folks here … enjoy

    btw, this was an ‘undercover operation’ … it had to take time & planning … it wasn’t just some spur-of-the-moment thing … these Nazis were deliberate

  4. Well, here in Tennessee, the gal who has been cutting my hair for the last 25+ years – the last 20 or so from her home – has continued with out missing a beat, should I say cut. Just got my last cut last Monday.

    F*ck you Herr Faucistein, and Frau Birxstein. I will not bow down to your political agenda.

  5. Thx for the welcome, guys.

    Believe it or not, CA has a lot of great conservatives who don’t mind getting bloodied for the right cause, and 2020 is it!

    Cheers and goodnight.

  6. Go to the Pet store. They put this collar thing around your neck and clean you up real good in about a minute. Shampoo is extra. Good idea to jam yourself in a corner in case they get any wild ideas about expressing your scent glands.

  7. judgeroybean
    APRIL 29, 2020 AT 12:31 AM
    “Good idea to jam yourself in a corner in case they get any wild ideas about expressing your scent glands.”

    …unless you’re INTO that sort of thing…

  8. Sheesh!! Is this for real? Sounds like a lost episode of Barney Miller!
    If I were a Cop (and I’m glad I’m not) I would be completely embarrassed to be involved in anything like this!

  9. Oh my gosh! They solicited customers on Facebook! Did they kidnap anyone? Force anyone to come to their home? If they didn’t do those things, then weren’t the customers making informed decisions about their own safety?


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