Undercover Reporter Gets UCLA Student’s Signatures in Support of Reeducation Camps for Conservatives – IOTW Report

Undercover Reporter Gets UCLA Student’s Signatures in Support of Reeducation Camps for Conservatives

24 Comments on Undercover Reporter Gets UCLA Student’s Signatures in Support of Reeducation Camps for Conservatives

  1. Young women are the driving force of so many looney leftist ideas. They think they will take over the world and end war, hunger, racism, violence, inequality, all the bad things.

    Socialism, along with pink unicorns and fairies, is the stuff of their dreams.

  2. You first lady, and didn’t Pol Pot in Cambodia kill people who wore glasses because they were educated. I’d suggest you watch The Killing Fields to find out what you’re beloved communism leads to or read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn if you dare. Going undercover as Jenna Talia is not clever, it just shows how stupid they are.

  3. Ann Thracts

    Thank God the nose ring is fake. Ever been at a restaurant and had a sever with a nose ring? Male or female. It looks like snot hanging out of their nose. Or maybe I’m weird. Ive been known to ask management for a server with out a nose ring. The wife was not happy.

  4. Enough with the suggested history here!
    WTF? Does any of this mean?
    “We are all human”
    “surprised none of them suggested building ovens”
    “clearly the power of their USB port is sucked out of their backpack”
    It’s been suggested.
    Russian and Chinese peasants weren’t heavily armed. No Offense f’um
    Jenna Talia, my first love,thankfully,,and didn’t thought Pol Pot in Cambodia meant to kill people, what a saint she was, never minded the cabbage dispersion,,
    Your words!
    And you all are going to judge me?
    Be well all, we are in this together.
    Thread best,,,
    As long as she brings me my Cabbage water supper,,,
    So many I’ve not included,
    respect ourselves

  5. Too many universities already exist that are socialist / communist reeducation camps with effective brain washing programs. Creating robotic-sheeple that vote America hating idiots into public office or find employment in government bureaucracy departments where they are difficult to dislodge.

  6. Back around 2004, the young female HR director at our plant introduced herself to me at work. When she mentioned that she went to Wellesley College I started laughing. She seemed upset and I told her any college that Hillary Clinton attended was suspect in my book.

  7. Y’know what?
    It’s kinda funny, but I support re-educating THEM!

    Not in camps, necessarily … I’m thinking more along the lines of Asparagus Plantations in Norther Canada. Let them live out their lives in a socialist utopia of their own making – far from America – and just leave the Americans alone.

    Sound fair?

    izlamo delenda est …


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