Unfortunate Juxtaposition of Stories on CNN Front Page – IOTW Report

Unfortunate Juxtaposition of Stories on CNN Front Page

CNN reports that Obama maintains that “Trump’s doom and gloom doesn’t match reality.”

Their own front page reveals that our commander-in-chief needs to be relieved of his duties because he is delusional and dangerous.

See pic inside post.

via Mr. Saddleburr


20 Comments on Unfortunate Juxtaposition of Stories on CNN Front Page

  1. Obama lives in a “Safe Space”, the most expensively generated on the face of this planet.

    No wonder he doesn’t grasp the real world. Thousands of people make sure he never comes close to it.

  2. LOL! Many years ago I worked with an advertising executive named Lew Smith. He kept a file of such occurrences called “Inscrutable Make-up Man,” abbreviated as IMM on the clippings to indicate where the secretaries should file it.

    I always think of Lew when I see stuff like this.

  3. MP-5s and IIa (or maybe IIIa) vests, like visiting Europe’s airports in the 1980s

    Nice trigger discipline on that female officer though, good thing since it’s probably a select fire MP-5

  4. “Nice trigger discipline on that female officer though, good thing since it’s probably a select fire MP-5”

    Not sure about that. She’s got it to the shoulder, she’s behind the sights. The weapon is presented in the presumed direction of a threat. At this point, it is indeed time, in the fighting posture she has assumed, to have a finger ON the trigger. The stage has been set, so to speak.

    The position of the safety is unknown, as it is on the side of the weapon away from the camera.

  5. Ironically perfect timing. Proving Trump right, once again.
    King “Taqiya” Barry clinging to his Quran and daggers, overjoyed Jihad successfully hit another target.

  6. “@Lowell – What about “keep your finger off the trigger until the target is in your sights”? ”

    This is instructors dealing with people who don’t use guns for a living. And they are correct for saying such.

    The actual ‘safety’ on a firearm IS the trigger finger. Which rolls right back to a trained shooter. This police officer, in Germany, is a trained shooter. They are quite serious about about that.

    A trained shooter is quite different from someone who had a couple of classes in how not to shoot them selves while handling their weapon. Actually, the two instances have almost nothing in common.

    The latter would most likely touch off a round if a loud noise occurred close to them. And then be really embarrassed they did so.

    The former, having been acclimated to a truly fucked up tactical situation, by dint of training that exposes them to situational stressors just like that, won’t.

    It’s a different mindset, and a set of skills not easily attained.

  7. Obama never allows the truth to obscure his lying, tyrannical, divisive rhetoric. Otherwise, he would have STFU a long time ago.

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