Unfunny Lefty Comedian Backs Trump in Rant Against Biden – IOTW Report

Unfunny Lefty Comedian Backs Trump in Rant Against Biden

They are all turning on Biden.

19 Comments on Unfunny Lefty Comedian Backs Trump in Rant Against Biden

  1. Fuck You Trevor!

    You can’t Figure out what your doing with your hair.
    Now, invite Trump on your show,
    Bend Over,
    And let DJT KICK YOU IN THE ASS so hard that you catch some air!

  2. Believe nothing that comes out of the square box. FJB was already set up as the buffoon. This talentless plant is told what to say or he’s back turning tricks on the streets of Soweto

  3. This doesn’t surprise me. Watch for that twit Samantha Bee to be trotted out again. Beginning of the narrative shift to own/suppress the coming revolt.

    Libtards need a fag with a foreign accent to ‘splain stuff to them.

  4. Even an unfunny wig wearin’ leftist can be right once in his life but he can still piss off for helping the United States get into this current “jam.”

  5. No, no, no, no, no…..

    You rats don’t get to jump ship now. Every single traitor that has enabled or provided cover/support to this attempted US Communist revolution – be it by willful ignorance, idiocy or fanaticism cannot and must not be allowed to rejoin our ranks & be permitted to use us as human shields against the consequences of their actions.

  6. Wow, I don’t see it the way you guys do. He should be applauded, encouraged. His audience is key to straightening this mess out. Even though they helped create it. About the time fuel hits the ten dollar mark some of these clowns are going to be crying for decertification

  7. When Y’all see what happens when you hit the fence that surrounds your thinking mind. When it all gets to real and all your flag waving, along with shameful kneeling does squat. Where you be? Begging for a strong leader to grasp with a firm grip the wheel of the ship of state. Indeed when need steering when evil and catastrophe rears it’s ugly head. “Well I guess an angry tweet or two is forgivable. Some out there are starting to Trump got angry when he had to. And yes he used “hyperbole” like a frigging Zen master. Now you say well the world listened to this man.
    And when they received a call….it was a wake up or you gone bro.
    It must ne very very hard to have leadership that is unpredictable then again this dangerous world that surrounds us never has been a thing foreseen.

  8. Except Trump never bombed anyone, never started any wars.
    He is still ignorant, and unfunny.
    But on the “this would never happened to Trump”, he is right, but then again, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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