UNHINGED ALL-WHITE LEFTIST THUGS Harass Candace Owens at Philly Restaurant — CHANT “F*ck White Supremacy” – IOTW Report

UNHINGED ALL-WHITE LEFTIST THUGS Harass Candace Owens at Philly Restaurant — CHANT “F*ck White Supremacy”

Candace Owens is a white supremacist?

That’s queer.

Can’t she eat her waffle?

21 Comments on UNHINGED ALL-WHITE LEFTIST THUGS Harass Candace Owens at Philly Restaurant — CHANT “F*ck White Supremacy”

  1. It will get worse come November when this blue wave the media has been promising them is a washout. Then Trump wins in 2020, Liberal cities across the country will burn. Which I say in that case them them.

    But again the standard disclaimer is that we must all get out and vote to ensure the blue wave is flushed down the bowl for good.

  2. Not a fan of Owens. She enjoys the attention – good or bad and I question if she’s a true conservative. Still, this leftist madness is above and beyond what even she may have expected. There are no limits to the insanity of socialism.

  3. If I had been there, I don’t think I could have resisted the temptation to punch that megaphone so hard that soy boy (or girl) would have had to have his stomach pumped to retrieve all his teeth. I think Candice needs a more “imposing” security team.

  4. No one can articulate the pain and betrayal of the black experience better than an upper middle class, white, Leftist soyboi.

    Extremely white people yelling at a black woman that she’s a white supremacist – now THAT is white privilege.

  5. I bought a few portable air-horns for this type of crap! I’m also a believer that its past time that we give these Socialist a little of what they ask for.. A Masked thumping they’ll remember forever!

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