Unhinged, Unstable and Very Disturbed Philip Mudd Erupts in Rage During CNN Discussion on Security Clearances – IOTW Report

Unhinged, Unstable and Very Disturbed Philip Mudd Erupts in Rage During CNN Discussion on Security Clearances

CTH: Personifying what happens when the financial value of a national security clearance is threatened; and highlighting how clearance is traded as currency within the permanent administrative/consulting state; ex CIA official Philip Mudd goes into a rage during a CNN discussion where his personal value would be diminished by losing a security clearance.

If this is the mental stability of people within the intelligence community, who are supposed to be professional consultants available for ongoing advice, well, there’s the problem.  WATCH:

16 Comments on Unhinged, Unstable and Very Disturbed Philip Mudd Erupts in Rage During CNN Discussion on Security Clearances

  1. Trump should keep hitting that looney.

    Imagine the gall it takes to tell someone else on the show to “GET OUT”

    The guy is frothing at the mouth and needs to be put in a straitjacket before he goes on a rampage.

  2. What a mean angry, white cracker mudderfucka! Mr. President who the hell needs advice from that asshole, Mudd,or Brennan, and probably a horde of others? Drain the swamp. You sure will get better advice from Joe Dan Gorman, Mr. Pinko, Big Fur Hat, Mary Jane, Abigail Adams, and Bad Brad.. Now here’s my advice, Mr. President,free of charge: Pardon General Michael Flynn, Fire Mueller, put Flynn in charge of clearing out asswipes like Mudd, who have secret clearances, and clear them out.. That done you you can rest assured that the Fake News will stop.
    Michael Flynn is an American hero and so is Gen. John Kelly for firing that fucking nut case Amorasa. What a stupid move hiring her?
    But then again Trump’s a pretty decent guy. He’s helped a lot of people over the years. But you’ll never hear about it anymore.
    I’ve had some dealings. not personal, with Mr. Trump and I know he’s a decent guy.

    John Brennan can pog mo Irish thoin.

  3. President Trump tomorrow should revoke the security clearance of every one of the signatories on that petition. Starting with Mudd. If for no other reason than being an annoying little prick.

  4. Tax payers pickup the tab for the investigations required for a clearances, its not a gift. When a employee in a private company requires a clearance the company picks up the investigations tab. Not only that but the investigation needs be done over to insure there is no changes in the individuals qualifications to hold the clearance. Many criminal activities frequently disqualifies individuals from gaining a clearance.

  5. His rant is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. I thought the wee guy would blow a gasket. Ooo, I’m such a man, I have a SC. One may think that is his only grasp to what he perceives as manhood, maybe it is.

    Take SC away from all who signed the letter.

    BTW, the Black man was cool, focused, and impressive.


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