Unification Church Bless People’s AR-15s – IOTW Report

Unification Church Bless People’s AR-15s

These are Moonies, as in Sun Myung Moon. His son now runs the church.


NEWFOUNDLAND, Pa. (Reuters) – Hundreds of couples toting AR-15 rifles packed a Unification church in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to have their marriages blessed and their weapons celebrated as “rods of iron” that could have saved lives in a recent Florida school shooting.

“Each of us is called to use the power of the ‘rod of iron’ not to arm or oppress as has been done in satanic kingdoms of this world, but to protect God’s children,” he said, citing the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

“If the football coach who rushed into the building to defend students from the shooter with his own body had been allowed to carry a firearm, many lives, including his own, could have been saved,” Moon’s statement said.


Someone tell me how to feel about this.


17 Comments on Unification Church Bless People’s AR-15s

  1. The only thing that bothers me about this is that the Left will use it to portray AR-15 owners as a bunch of cultist, lunatic fringe types, which is how the Moonies are seen by many people. Other than that, I’m good with it. Truth is truth, no matter who speaks it.

  2. It’s either nuts with guts or clowns with frowns.

    This scares me as a resident of Pa but then again the moonies don’t practice jihad or want to forcibly convert me or my children.

    They’re just old fashioned American loonies.

  3. Also remember Kahr Firearms Company is owned by Justin Moon, the son of Sun Myung Moon. Justin is CEO and President. Kahr Firearms Group also owns: Kahr Arms, Thompson, Auto-Ordnance and Magnum Research

  4. To me, the blessing of a marriage, and the celebration of the use of “rods of iron” should be two separate events. I don’t have a problem with either, but I would not blend the two.

  5. Too bad they lumped marriage together in the blessing of firearms. We bless cars, dogs, our homes, obviously our people, our solders going into battle, among all types of blessings.

    Why not bless our arms. We pray that our guns are vehicles of good and deterrents to evil. We pray for our victory in war. I think our bombs shoul be blessed, asking they they be used for good outcomes, and for God’d will only.

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