Unintended Consequences Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Unintended Consequences Strikes Again

James Robertson became internet famous a few months ago when it was reported he was walking 20 miles a day in order to keep his factory job.

 James Robertson

 A crowd funding effort raised enough money to by Mr. Robertson a new car and an additional $350,000.


 But this story is straight out of Detroit, so you know somebody has to ruin everything. 


 So would Mr. Robertson had been better off if the do-gooders had just left him alone?


10 Comments on Unintended Consequences Strikes Again

  1. Fine with that but the original story had him walking 21 miles each way, each day.
    A million commenters called bullshit, then the reporter said it was 21 miles round trip walking.
    Bullshit was again called.
    The story then changed to “he rides the bus for seven miles each way”.
    It just goes to show that you can’t believe a goddamn thing written by a reporter anymore.

    His work ethic? That may be fine but how dumb do you have to be to spend 10 hours each day traveling to a 10/hr job?

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