Union Heads Describe Meeting With Trump as Incredible – IOTW Report

Union Heads Describe Meeting With Trump as Incredible


Shortly after Donald Trump made good on one of his core campaign promises on Monday morning by signing an executive order formally withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal, Trump told labor union leaders that he would renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement “at the appropriate time.”

The remarks came at the start of a meeting at the White House with leaders of construction, carpenters, plumbers and sheet metal unions, during which Trump pledged to stop trade deals that harmed American workers.

According to the White House, participants included North America’s Building Trades Unions President Sean McGarvey, Laborers’ International Union of North America President Terry O’Sullivan, SMART sheet metal workers’ union President Joseph Sellers, United Brotherhood of Carpenters President Doug McCarron and Mark McManus, president of the United Association that represents plumbers, pipefitters, welders and others. The union meeting also included several local union officials and follows a gathering of 12 chief executives of large companies at the White House to discuss revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing economy.
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“We’re gonna get ’em working again, right?” says Pres Trump, hosting photo op with union leaders in the Oval.. “Great meeting,” he said. 

“This is a group that I know well,” Trump said referring to the union bosses, adding “we’re going to put a lot of people back to work” and “stop the ridiculous trade deals.”

When Trump said the administration “just officially terminated TPP,” it prompted applause from the labor chiefs (and this time it certainly wasn’t by paid members of the studio audience), who later described their meeting with Trump as “incredible.”


ht/ bad brad

8 Comments on Union Heads Describe Meeting With Trump as Incredible

  1. This is the stake in the heart of the Democrats. Unions have long been their major source of funding and get-out-the-vote. Their very existence was founded on “looking out for the little guy.”

    The lefties have sold out to the mega wealthy Soros, Styers and Fords of the world. Trump is capitalizing on it. The union leaders endorsed Hillary but the rank and file she labeled as “deplorables” for wanting to support themselves (and not everyone else in the world) voted Trump.

    Democrats won’t soon get the unions back and will fall even further into irrelevance.

  2. Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. is the president of the Teamsters’ Union.


    It couldn’t be more obvious what’s going on if John Gotti were president of the Teamsters’ Union.

    Trump should pass a national Right to Work law.

  3. Trump worked with Unions his whole life. He’s built all over the US and the World . I think what pissed him off was all the petty politicians with their hand out saying, “yeah, if you want to do anything you need to pay me.” You want a permit?, says Chuck Shumer, “Pay me”. Turns out that Trump wasn’t the only one tired of the Democrat thieves, Obama, Hillary, petty building inspectors that do not insure safety but sssssssssssss GIMEE.

  4. Michigan turned because Union Workers didn’t have Union jobs to go to. In turn, Union reps didn’t have any one to preach at and scare out to vote. Ex-union workers were also not afraid to lose the Union paycheck the were not collecting if they didn’t vote the Union line.
    As was the case in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana …..

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