United Airlines pilot says she’s blocked from finding job or accessing 401k for refusing vaccine – IOTW Report

United Airlines pilot says she’s blocked from finding job or accessing 401k for refusing vaccine

FOX: A United Airlines captain who is on unpaid leave for not complying with her company’s vaccine mandate says she has been locked out of her 401(k) and is prohibited from finding another job. 

“I am out on unpaid leave. I am prohibited from getting another job. I’m prohibited from accessing my 401(k). I have no medical benefits, and I’m leading the charge in this fight, so my days are consumed,” United pilot Sherry Walker, co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom, told the Daily Signal while attending the “Defeat the Mandates” march in Washington, D.C., on Sunday. 

Walker told Fox Digital on Monday that she is considered an “active employee” after being put on unpaid leave for not complying with the airline’s vaccine mandate in November. 

“That means that they can call us back with two weeks’ notice at any given time, they can just grab us and pull us back. But because we’re active, we haven’t had a qualified lifestyle change. So Schwab, which owns our 401(k) accounts, refuses to let anyone access them,” Walker told Fox.  more here

12 Comments on United Airlines pilot says she’s blocked from finding job or accessing 401k for refusing vaccine

  1. I would think that this individual has a very strong case against the company for interfering with her 401K. Something similar occurred where I was employed where a young man was sent to law school by the company (in our capacity we were expected to have a law degree), and did not have to sign an agreement to stay. The young man decided to go into practice. Upon announcing this, our boss actually went to HR and directed them to freeze his 401K. After informing the boss that he was filing a lawsuit, the company, at light speed, reversed their position and “happily” offered the young man whatever he wanted. Some people do not react well to intimidation by those who think that they may have more power than they actually do. I will predict that there will be millions of lawsuits over the overreach, posturing and tyranny imposed upon those who choose to not comply with these vaccination mandates when all is said and done.

  2. United Airlines is essentially controlled by the Federal government. Biden wants mandates and vaccine compliance, and United receives Federal bail-out money whenever it needs it. Guess who United will always side with?

    Continue to vote for big government politicians (on both sides of the aisle), and you are going to continue to receive this type of treatment as a customer and an employee.

  3. Depending on “the man” for employment and then letting him control your money. Hmm.

    I see a common thread here you can pull at to unravel your problem for the long term.

    An uncle of mine started his own air tour service around Ft. Worth when jobs were hard to come by and expanded to everything he found interesting. Wealthiest relative I had.

  4. @ Vicious Sid JANUARY 28, 2022 AT 10:56 AM

    I agree with the conclusion of your post and gave you a TU, but, if I read correctly, it’s Schwab that’s determining she can’t access her account at this time – her point against United is valid, though – Schwab takes this position because she isn’t really fired. Schwab is going by the rules.

    Even though it’s not as straightforward as United freezing her access, I see an arguable point that United is causing her harm.


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