United States Secretary of Education Says People Choosing Not To Take Experimental Vax are Like Kabul Homicide Bombers – IOTW Report

United States Secretary of Education Says People Choosing Not To Take Experimental Vax are Like Kabul Homicide Bombers

17 Comments on United States Secretary of Education Says People Choosing Not To Take Experimental Vax are Like Kabul Homicide Bombers

  1. Yet the “Tolibon” took over an entire country in record time without masks and vaccines in a “pandemic”! Rather ironic isn’t it!

    …and they’re probably stronger for it.

  2. Have you noticed how strikingly similar both the mindsets and actions are between suicide bombers at Kabul’s airport and the Biden criminal cabal here?

  3. Has there ever been a more pathetic collection of losers than this senile creep’s cabinet?

    Blinken, Austin, Duncan, Granholm, Buttigieg – I rest my case.

    Oh and Arne – do you think comparing people smart enough to not take experimental drugs to radical Islamic murderers is actually going to move anybody over to your disturbed point of view? Dream on

  4. Dear hand-wringing pantywaist oxygen thieves: you believe in ‘science’ (TM), right? Evolution (TM) too you woke bastards? This is what Evolution looks like on the ground. Evolve, or die. I don’t care which. Just STFU about those who wish to deal with this man-made germ the direct way.

  5. Gee, isn’t it the Department of Education that is forcing Critical Racist Theory on schools – you know, all whites are racist?

    Well, Arne buddy, you are a racist – obviously, because you are white, duh – but also because blacks are far less likely to be vaccinated than whites – so ipso facto – you just compared unvaccinated blacks to suicide bombers – and anybody who criticizes a black person is a racist.

    Nice going!


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