“Universal Basic Income” is Rebranded as “Freedom Dividend” and Polls Better Among Morons – IOTW Report

“Universal Basic Income” is Rebranded as “Freedom Dividend” and Polls Better Among Morons


Democratic 2020 candidate Andrew Yang is currently touring the country while campaigning on his “Freedom Dividend” proposal. The Freedom Dividend as he calls it is simply another name for UBI, or universal basic income. In Yang’s proposal, every American gets $1000 a month, no strings attached.

Andrew Yang is an entrepreneur and a marketer. He is simply repackaging UBI as the Freedom Dividend because as he has already admitted, that name tested better during focus groups than universal basic income did. So right off the bat, Yang is basically repackaging an old idea using the methods of an entrepreneur with some marketing experience. Simply take something old and repackage it to a new audience with a new name.

But that’s only the start of why the Freedom Dividend Yang proposes is so bad.

Universal basic income is a welfare system that will touch every American. And as countless studies and real-life observations have shown, welfare destroys the traditional family structure and makes them more dependent on government over time, not less.

How exactly does welfare destroy families? Welfare makes it more manageable to have a single parent household. There is no need for the mother to try to keep the father around, and the father knows if he disappears, the mother will get at least enough money to feed the children.

The overall effect of this ends up causing an increase in fatherless households. And studies have shown that fatherless households are one of the most significant indicators of a child’s success or failure.



21 Comments on “Universal Basic Income” is Rebranded as “Freedom Dividend” and Polls Better Among Morons

  1. it is just a cheaper approach to slavery through total control and dependence on government. This just turns the cattle out of the paddock into the beautiful spacious pasture. Easier and cheaper to control, but step out of line, and back in the paddock you’ll go.

  2. Universal Basic Income? Freedom Dividend?

    Better would be Cash for Ballots

    I don’t want it, but if they offer it to me I’ll simply use it to buy guns, ammo, and reinforced doors/jambs and bullet resistant windows.

  3. “We want to relieve want; not to supply indolence.”

    2,500 years – and nothing’s changed.

    It always – ALWAYS – leads to tyranny.
    Check it out.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. total and complete BS!!!

    The statistics in the article claim there is 70% black one-parent households on welfare and I call total BS LIES!!!!!

    Just where do you think these people go and how do they live?

    It is a scam as old as welfare for da baby-momma to report she lives alone because it ups the benefit amount she gets, but the father of the children DOES in fact live there…. they are not legally married and the father just uses someone else’s address as his residence.

    If our vaunted grubbermint welfare agents would go door to door unannounced they would find that these “fatherless” children are anything but and that goes for ALL races on welfare, not just blacks!!!

  5. This is great. I’m gonna fire my employees, sit home and watch old westerns.
    Why would you take the financial risk of owning a business under Socialism. Especially when a retard like AOC is going to tell you how to run your business, and apparently your production line. So we are forced to stoop to her IQ level? Which is pretty fucking low. Why would, how would, an ignorant bitch like this be so confident?

  6. JPM, why did Rome fall instead of the Chinese Empire?
    Barbarians from the east
    Why did these Barbarians come west?
    The Mongol hordes
    Why did the Mongols come west instead of east?
    The Chinese built a fooking wall!


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