Universities make over $200 million annually from rejected applicants’ data – IOTW Report

Universities make over $200 million annually from rejected applicants’ data

WT: Rejection is lucrative business — for American universities.

A study conducted by UCEazy, a company specializing in making the college application process easier for first-generation immigrants, recently revealed how universities have made rejection profitable. Co-founder Vinnie Gupta ran the numbers on behalf of U.S. News and World Report and concluded that $200 million pours into universities annually from unqualified or under-prepared applicants.

“Through our interactions with thousands of students, we realized that most students do not have the skills or information to make informed decisions about which colleges to apply to,” Mr. Gupta told USA Today on Monday.


6 Comments on Universities make over $200 million annually from rejected applicants’ data

  1. been saying this for years.
    each hs senior heading off to college submits a common applications to colleges at 50.00 plus for college.
    say ten colleges for total of 500.00
    more than half decline with generic letter.
    and pocket money.
    multiply by thousands and you have lots and lots of moola pocketed for applications that never saw the light of day.

    class action commence.

  2. If I recall correctly, this “Vinnie Gupta” dude was the head of a information-based marketing firm that he’d founded, then remained as CEO when it went public. He was in tight with the Democrat Party and the Clintons in particular, using his access to get deals. I think it’s called InfoGroup Marketing or some shit like that….

    But he got nailed to the wall by the SEC and shareholders because even after the company went public, he continued to use it as a cash cow to pay for his megayacht, his private jets, his resort mansions, etc.

    If it’s the same guy running UCEazy, I wouldn’t touch anything he’s a part of with a ten-foot barge pole. Nor would I trust it.

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