University Chancellor Fired for Making Porn – IOTW Report

University Chancellor Fired for Making Porn

Daily Caller

UW-La Crosse chancellor Joe Gow, 63, was fired Wednesday in a unanimous vote by colleagues, following revelations that he’d been filming and releasing homemade pornography with his wife, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The couple apparently released videos under the moniker “Sexy Happy Couple” on various adult websites, and run social media accounts called “Sexy Healthy Cooking” in which they make food with porn stars. More

The chancellor is appealing the firing saying his First Amendment rights have been violated. Here

Disclaimer: Dr. Tar received his Bachelor’s degree from UW-La Crosse and has never made pornography. – Dr. Tar

17 Comments on University Chancellor Fired for Making Porn

  1. @RadioMattM:

    It was heterosexual. We can’t have that.

    Even worse, it was heterosexual between a married biological man and biological woman. In the halls of academia, that’s heretical! They’re witches! Burn them!

    If it had been homosex, or group sex, or trying to figure out how to have sex with a tranny pseudosex, or sex with a badger or tapir or anteater, that would’ve been just peachy. Hunky-dory, in fact.

  2. I watched the latest episode of South Park where the same thing happens, then I come here and read about it actually happening. Crazy, South Park has gone porno with a dude’s junk hanging out to try to one-up real life and then it actually happens in real life, lol, you can’t satirize anymore.

  3. Different Tim – I wonder why he would bring up his involvement with UW-La Crosse unless there were more to it than he’s glibly indicating. He’s normally not a glib person. Cover up? Perhaps he was a nude subject in an art class? Etc?

  4. All the Chancellor has to do is claim he was trying to get his wife pregnant so she could have an abortion and follow up with a condemnation of Israel with a couple hail Hamas and he’s golden.

  5. “Disclaimer: Dr. Tar received his Bachelor’s degree from UW-La Crosse and has never made pornography. – Dr. Tar”

    Defensively answering a question you weren’t asked

    Never a good sign…

  6. 40 years ago, La Crosse was considered one of the best party schools, then they raised the drinking age and the G. Heileman brewing company (makers of “Old Style”) got bought out by a group of Australians and shut down.

    Now the school is going to be known for making Prof porn? Not a good look.

    I imagine Gow will find a safe space at some Ivy League school, if he can stir up enough controversy for the major outlets to take of notice and champion his predilections.


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