University of AZ Instructs Students to Say ‘Ouch!’ when Offended – IOTW Report

University of AZ Instructs Students to Say ‘Ouch!’ when Offended

Breitbart: The University of Arizona’s College of Humanities is instructing students to say “ouch!” when they are offended by a faculty member or classmate.

The guidelines for how to response to offensive speech is outlined in a new handbook for faculty, which is entitled “Diversity and Inclusiveness in the Classroom.”

Students are instructed to use “ouch” to indicate that they have been offended. Offenders are instructed to use “oops” to signify their acknowledgment that their words have offended one of their peers.

“This document is intended to be a resource for addressing difficult or challenging topics in the classroom.” Although faculty members are not “required to utilize” the handbook, they are encouraged to utilize it so that they can best “engender the broadest possible perspectives” and “maximize free speech in the classroom,” as the handbook claims.  more here

14 Comments on University of AZ Instructs Students to Say ‘Ouch!’ when Offended

  1. Students are instructed to use “ouch” to indicate that they have been offended. Offenders are instructed to use “oops” “eat shit” to signify their acknowledgment satisfaction that their words have offended one of their peers.


  2. Puh-leeze , “ouch” has been the reply for years now to meaningless attempt at insults. “Oops’ is the non-apology to snowflakes and SJW who pretend to be offended

    They just keep getting dumber and dumber

  3. Why don’t we simply settle the science on human perfection? If we make everyone perfect, there’s no more need for oops and ouch.

    If you ask me, it’s the SJWs that need to followup their own ouch with their own oops. Self-correcting perfection. Just like selecting the perfect gender for the week.

  4. How about instead of “Oops” I use the curt rejoinder “What the hell is wrong with you?”
    And when it is explained to me that I’ve offended, my eye rolls will be Epic.

  5. How about this response when someone says ouch…point at them and laugh uncontrollably. Laugh loud enough to attract a crowd, that will join in the merriment. Do not stop until the snowflake is sobbing, curled into a fetal position.

  6. We have to create our own universities. There is no way to stop this madness until we have our own system of education or the current system blows up on itself!

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