University of Chicago Professors Sign Open Letter of Disapproval After Dean Says Students Are Entering College, Not Pre-school: No More Safe Spaces – IOTW Report

University of Chicago Professors Sign Open Letter of Disapproval After Dean Says Students Are Entering College, Not Pre-school: No More Safe Spaces


You will find the University of Chicago to be a diverse place full of strong-minded people. We encourage you to become one of them.

…we are committed to our students and to the free exchange of ideas.

The right to speak up and to make demands is at the very heart of academic freedom and freedom of expression generally. We deplore any atmosphere of harassment and threat.

Foremost, we are committed to our students and to the free exchange of ideas. As teachers, we understand ourselves to be engaged in a collaborative experiment in the classroom. For that to work, mutual respect is indeed indispensable—all the more so since the practice of academic freedom can sometimes be contentious, difficult, perhaps even painful. But the crucial point is that such contention has to be based on a commitment to learning from a wealth of histories and experiences—to more discussion, not less; to openness, not closure.    


It’s as if these a-holes do not have the ability to smell their own bad breath.

These are the same safe-space  advocates that tell students if they dissent on man-made global warming they will fail the class. And that would be an English teacher.

The only thing these professors are “teaching” these maroons is that the left has a stranglehold on learning institutions, and if you want unwarranted power, go left. When you’ve arrived there you get to enjoy a completely unfair advantage over anyone who thinks differently than you. Just slump in a heap, claim you’ve been triggered into a state of tragic uncomfortableness and any dissenting voice will be dealt with forthrightly.

It’s the left’s diabolical plan to cull more and more weak-minded, brain-washable misfits into their camp. There’s a special place in hell for these manipulators.

Original Dean’s Letter HERE

8 Comments on University of Chicago Professors Sign Open Letter of Disapproval After Dean Says Students Are Entering College, Not Pre-school: No More Safe Spaces

  1. I think I may cry, I am so frightened by the prof’s letter. Where was the trigger warning letting me know that they want to put me in place they call safe but is nothing more than a sound-proof locked room where they get to brainwash me? It’s terrifying! They are sure to be counting on my quick descent into Stockholm Syndrome where I will sycophantically swallow and spit back all their ideological fantasies. I’m sure that eventually I’ll be so damaged that I’ll believe anything, even that a group is “diverse” because each member looks different from the others but they all think the same thoughts!

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