University of Georgia to Offer Course on White Privilege – IOTW Report

University of Georgia to Offer Course on White Privilege

The University of Georgia’s College of Education is set to offer a class detailing “whiteness and white privilege in education” in their Summer 2016 semester, hoping students will be able to recognize and “challenge” it after the class is over.

ECHD 8000: Whiteness & White Privilege in Education, which was first reported by iOTW Report, is detailed on the college’s official page.
University of Georgia
The course promises “to provide students an opportunity to examine the dynamics of whiteness, white privilege, and racism in educational settings.”

“By exploring the history of whiteness in the U.S.,” the course description continues, “understanding theories related to whiteness, white privilege, and racism; and engaging in personal reflection, students will better understand their roles in addressing racism and white privilege in education.”

As a result of the class, the University of Georgia hopes that students will be able to “identify individual, institutional, and systemic examples of white privilege and racism in education contexts.”

It also hopes that students will know how to “challenge and address white privilege and racism in education.”

The course will be in session from May 16 until July 16 of 2015.

26 Comments on University of Georgia to Offer Course on White Privilege

  1. Damn! 50 years too late. I earned my BS degree while working full time, lots of night classes and weekends in the library. I earned my MBA while working full time. Lots of late nights attending classes, studying, lots of weekends in the library. If they had only offered this class when I was 18 I could have had all this simply for being white and not for working my ass off. Damn!

  2. If I’m so fucking privileged, why did my last job search last a year? Why did I have to send out 4,500 resumes?

    I hate this bullshit. It plays right into the faulty narrative that blacks have somehow cornered the market on human suffering.

  3. I was turned down for a job in 1985 because of my ‘white privilege’. Was applying for a Central Office Switch Tech job with Southern Bell.

    They were short females and blacks. Most especially black females on the federally supervised payroll lists.

    The guy doing the hiring said he loved my resume and I’d be his pick.

    But I was male. And white. Said he would be in a jam if I told anybody he said that.

    Tell me again about my white privilege.

  4. I think it’s a GREAT idea! But, something’s missing –

    Upon course completion, both the professor and all students who thoroughly enjoyed the course will be required to drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid in a grand toast to help eliminate the problem of white privilege. And, to be fair (because I’m that kind of guy), I’ll say that ANYONE of ANY COLOR can participate in this post-course toast – last thing I would want to be accused of is being racist or exclusionary!

    It’ll thin the herd a bit, and I’m fine with that.

  5. One of Grizzard’s jokes was “they say that if you drive by the University of Georgia with your windows rolled down, they’ll throw a diploma in your car. That’s not exactly true though ……you have to slow down a little”.

  6. A a Geogian for many generations, I’d like to ask ya’ll yankees one thing: What do ya’ll think of your intergration now? Seperate but equal sounding a little better after that 50 years of social justice exeriments ya’ll crammed down our throats? But we’re not bitter, since ya’ll are having to eat the same shit pie that we are. But a sincere apology for calling us ignorant white suprmacists would be nice. We ain’t ignorant.

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