University of Iowa has a Pediatric Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Clinic – IOTW Report

University of Iowa has a Pediatric Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Clinic

Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with the phrase Pediatric Lesbian?

How about Pediatric Gay?  Pediatric Queer/Questioning?


University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital is home to Iowa’s only pediatric lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LBGTQ) clinic. This specialized clinic is staffed by a pediatric endocrinologist – a doctor who works with the system that produces hormones – as well as a family medicine doctor.  A pediatric psychiatrist with special expertise in the diagnosis of gender dysphoria (as well as all other psychiatric issues in children) as well as evaluation for appropriateness of hormone therapy for gender transition is also available.

14 Comments on University of Iowa has a Pediatric Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Clinic

  1. “A pediatric psychiatrist with special expertise in the diagnosis of gender dysphoria”

    Somebody please tell me how a 2/3yr. old needs help figuring out weather it’s a boy or a girl, when it’s just getting the hang of simple biological functions,like pooping and peeing, much less trying to determine the why of these functions.

  2. Within a generation – two at the most.
    America has rejected God and her bases.
    America is digging up her foundations and casting them into the pit.

    “… Castles made of sand, slip into the sea … eventually.”

    The Earth is trembling. Trembling in anticipation of a great cataclysm.
    Europe is Hell-bent on suicide. izlamo-nazism is ascendant. America struggles to bury her sanity. Africa is … well, Africa. Asia understands the vast improvements of mankind under the auspices of freedom, but is terrified of the prospect (having never been free). Eastern Europe and Central Asia gasp for breath while surrounded by self-immolating surrender monkeys on one side and recrudescent conquerors on the other.

    On the other hand, I may just need a Snickers bar …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Iowa City is a lunatic asylum. Few of the faculty are from Iowa. They of course are largely hard core leftists, and they have a huge footprint in the community. The U has a hospital and a law school, and it dominates the community. It’s a great place to live and a lot of brainwashed communist graduates never leave. So the place is infested and crawling w SJWs. They have a massive inferiority complex b/c they live in ‘Iowa’, which of course the NYT and W coast people think is mainly mouth-breathing white hillbillies who live in trailers and marry their cousins. They thus overcompensate for this inferiority in their futile efforts to convince the NYT that Iowa City is the most ‘progressive’ place ever. So everyone has a tattoo, purple hair, 8 nose rings, a Che t-shirt, and all the rest. It is very much like Madison in this regard. Very nice town. Very much infested w unhinged SJW liberal freaks who go way overboard b/c of their flyover country inferiority complex.

  4. The Census takers have never been able to verify that anyone has ever been born in Iowa, It seems that they all sort of drifted there from California, Minnesota, Illinois (the crazies) and thank goodness, from North, and South Dakota (patriotic Americans)!

  5. When children subjected to this sort of abuse start to come of age in a few years there will be a wave of particularly brutal crimes, and some sympathetic juries.

  6. How does a little innocent child know that it’s not a boy or a girl unless some adult with an agenda tells them otherwise? It’s painfully obvious if he has a penis he is a boy and if she has a vagina she is a girl, it can’t get any simpler than that. These people have a large millstone tied around their necks ready to be cast into the sea when they corrupt children this way.

  7. With this article in mind and the one a few down about the professorette and the marble in statues, all I can say is if I have to come up there and show you normal Hawkeyes the proper use and technique of torches, pitchforks, and tar/feathers, I’m gonna be freakin’ pissed.

  8. @4UCorsair
    true, true, i’ll be there as well. it’s always glad to help educate the locals. but we on the coast call it surfing, or as you may know it as water boarding.

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