University of MN Has 12-Step Program For “Whiteness” – IOTW Report

University of MN Has 12-Step Program For “Whiteness”


The University of Minnesota hosted a webinar series aimed at helping white participants “recover” and learn about their “ties to white supremacy.”

UMN’s School of Social Work recently offered a virtual lecture using a “12 step” program like that used by Alcoholics Anonymous in order to help white people “recover and reclaim our full humanity.” The lecture titled, “Recovery from White Conditioning,” is taught by school alumnus and therapist Cristina Combs and was hosted by the school’s Center for Practice Transformation. More

23 Comments on University of MN Has 12-Step Program For “Whiteness”

  1. I’ve been white for 67.5 years and I’m not going to change who I am just to appease the left with white guilt. They can kiss my ass and all the asses of all my white ancestors way back into England and the first generation who arrived here in New England in the 1630’s including one of my ancestors Roger Williams who founded Rhode Island and another of my ancestors who was 18 or 19 and fought at the Battle of Lexington in 1775. My daughters can join the DAR if they wanted to because of their ancestry.

  2. 01 - I'm white. So what?
    02 - I'm white. So what?
    03 - I'm white. So what?
    04 - I'm white. So what?
    05 - I'm white. So what?
    06 - I'm white. So what?
    07 - I'm white. So what?
    08 - I'm white. So what?
    09 - I'm white. So what?
    10 - I'm white. So what?
    11 - I'm white. So what?
    12 - I'm white. So what?

  3. OK central Virginia. This Saturday 10 to 1. We will gather at historic Hanover Courthouse to Rally for Trump!!! It’s a county Republican event, but it’s wide open.

    Home of Patrick Henry’s successful argument of Parson’s Cause case. Huge church vs state case against the Crown.

    Oldest continually operational courthouse in the nation. A true treasure.

    It’s GO time!

    Folks from other states are welcome as well.

    Bring your signs. Bring your flags. Bring your patriotism.
    Oh. And bring your lawn chair.

  4. The idea that caucasians should feel shame for being what they are is the most blatantly racist idea there ever was. How anyone doesn’t or refuses to understand this fact on its face is mental illness as much as believing a man is a woman or a cat or a banana is mental illness.

    Consider the source of this idea and others like it.

    It’s just wrong that we cannot not like someone for whatever reason(s) we want. If you’re dumb or shallow enough to disrespect someone based on their skin color, that’s your problem. But this racist idea of so-called “white priviledge” makes it possible for a predisposed black person to ascribe a racist motive to any kind of unkind, dismissive, or critical comment directed their way. IOW, in any interaction between a stupid, racist black person and a hapless white person, the black person will always prevail in alleging racism if they hear ANYTHING they don’t want to hear. Critical Race “theory” (bullsh*t) is nothing more than a mental and emotional “safe space”, a binky and a pacifier, for mentally ill people. Yeah, why don’t we all twist ourselves into pretzels for THAT?!

    What will happen is unless you know the person you’re talking to, whites will absolutely stop interacting with blacks. And I think I am safe in saying that we will see espisodes of black activists race baiting whites with terrible regularity.

    We’ll all be damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

  5. It would appear that the United States of America is participating in a little bit of apartheid where the minority population is in charge of the majority population!

  6. The other day I saw a video of a black chick with long, blonde hair ragging on Trump. Look, you hate whitey, so stop trying to be like us. I don’t run around with fucking AFRO PUFFS stuck to my head and a hubcap under my arm, so stop running around with BLONDE hair!

  7. Dear University of Minnesota,

    Hi, I’m Jimmy. I think your skin color is just fine. Your faces are mostly okay looking. However, your brains are stinking up the joint. Please pull them out of your asses.



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