Univision’s Jorge Ramos RUDELY JUMPS THE LINE with Trump – IMPLODES and gets DEPORTED from the Iowa Press Conference! – IOTW Report

Univision’s Jorge Ramos RUDELY JUMPS THE LINE with Trump – IMPLODES and gets DEPORTED from the Iowa Press Conference!


Donald Trump has a NEW FAN! Mr. Pinko

Video shows the moment Ramos got thrown out (deported). A humane Trump let him back in (through the front door) and they debated. Ramos/Univision didn’t post THAT EXHANGE where Trump handed Ramos’ his ass.

16 minutes into the Presser, Trump answers a returned Ramos’ questions.


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45 Comments on Univision’s Jorge Ramos RUDELY JUMPS THE LINE with Trump – IMPLODES and gets DEPORTED from the Iowa Press Conference!

  1. Love Ted Cruz – but let’s face it – it’s either Jeb Bush shoved down our throats or Donald Trump. I’ll take an asshole over a bigger career politician asshole!
    Plus I want to see Trump build that fence, watch Lib’s heads explode. And I want to hear Trump do a State of the Union Address. “You’re Fired!”

  2. Ramos is a pseudo-American Citizen. He only seems to like ‘his own kind’! He calls everyone else a nativist and a racist to camouflage his hatred and disdain for white, black and Asian Americans. He wants to infest the Country with criminal aliens from what is his right side of the border and from the right 3rd world countries. He likes pickpocketing US citizens to pay for his barrio boy’s and their anchor babies. He is a hopeless hack that really should vamoose back across the Rio Bravo and avail himself of self-imposed exile. He would be much happier and so would we!

  3. There’s an awful lot on the line. Basically our country and children’s future. Beating these fucking scumbags is not going to be easy or pretty.

    They expect us to have weak stomachs and give up. Fuck that. It’s going to get ugly. It will test our will as they try to shame us for standing up to.them. They will set up bad shit and be relentless with the angry confrontations. Don’t give in. Get ready to be called names. Or get ready to bow to islime, la raza, the homosexual, the commie. Fuck that.

  4. I especially like Ramos’ remark “I have a right”. This is the second time i have seen a presidential conference hijacked by someone spewing about their own cause. The first was “Black lives Matter”.

    Someone needs to let ignorant people know their “rights” do not trump anyone else’s.

  5. At least building a good fence will create jobs that will protect other jobs. If need be, we can sub out the engineering to the Israelis. Next- drive a stake through the heart of NAFTA. It was ratified by Clinton but also promoted by RINOs. I feel strongly about this and hell, I actually like Mexican people. Viva los alligators del este Rio Grande.

  6. What these media elitists don’t understand is the anger the American people have of our elected officials and the media in general. Moments like these are going to further elevate Trump as a real man of the people. Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

    BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: Trump Is Doing Better with Non-Whites than Spanish-Speaking Apologist Jeb Bush


  7. He’s like a little chihuahua yipping away at the big bad dog on the block…hilarious.

    And he tries to tell a construction magnate that it is impossible to build a fricking’ wall 1,900 miles along the border.


  8. Ramos was born in Mexico City. He spent a long time in the city of Cd.Juarez (the most dangerous city in Mexico). Funny how he split when the caca hit the fan to become the darling of Miami. He’s shameful. He knows exactly what women do at the international bridges. Trump was close, but not quite on it. They walk, run to the middle of the bridge and cry for help…after which they are immediately taken by ambulance to the US hospital to give birth to the anchor baby. We Hispanic call out Jorge…que no se haga pendejo! He knows very well how the game is played.

  9. Jorge is from UniVision, He probably IS UniVision . Trump is suing them for 500 Million dollars. Hee, hee. Trump even forced the asswipe to say the number. 500 million. I think Americans, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Irish, Amish, will go big time for Trump. He is getting more airtime than all the others

    Trump, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, what a team

  10. I’m tweeting that with your permission 😉

    “Trump demonstrated his plan. He deported Ramos for not following the rules and let him back in if he would behave himself.”

  11. There is another benefit to Trump being nominated: the whole of the crony establishment is going to leave the Republican party giving the organization to us. I thought that we would have to start a third party. Looks like they are going to be the ones. I predict that none of the crony Washington bigwigs will appear with The Donald at the nominating convention.

  12. Trump ripping Ramos a new asshole won’t even make the front page, or if it does it won’t stay there very long. The establishment (RINO’s) consultant hacks, erudite drones, media talent, hand picked candidate’s and the GOPe will keep pushing the bimbo meme. They want to sledge hammer Trump and drive his polls down and his negatives up (even if they have to make up the poll results). Whatever it takes, so be prepared to strongly and forcibly respond!

  13. Bravo, Mr. Trump! That was a joy to behold! Ramos, a slimy piece of flan, was reduced to stutters and denials. Reality will kick in 2016, when Trump or Cruz is president and the Hildabeast is in prison. I can dream.

  14. Jorge, always with same BS about how we can’t deport millions of illegals. Really, you mouthy little turd! This is America, we can damn well try and git’r done! Eisenhower did it with a lot less. Ms. Coulter left him speechless when he tried that argument on her!

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