Unless Health Care Workers Return to Work ASAP, More Hospitals Could Close – IOTW Report

Unless Health Care Workers Return to Work ASAP, More Hospitals Could Close

DailySignal- COVID-19 hit America like a stroke—sudden, unexpected, and devastating. And like a stroke, the damage can be permanent. However, the sooner we intervene, the greater the chance to return to health.

Among America’s first responders, medical professionals and health care workers have been heroes in the early fight against this scourge. They can—and should be—the leaders in returning our country to economic health.

That means needing to put all of America’s large and diverse health care delivery systems back to work.

America’s hospitals are not overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. That’s a major misconception. Rather, there are about 200 to 300 hospitals in hot spots like New York, Illinois, or Louisiana that are taking care of an enormous number of patients. read more here

ht Lori Lightfoot’s TWA

10 Comments on Unless Health Care Workers Return to Work ASAP, More Hospitals Could Close

  1. I’m sorry, but are those health care workers rushing into burning buildings to save people? Are they doing anything differently than they normally would do?

    Sure, they do good work and I appreciate what they do but does this current situation make them heroes?

  2. @Radio, as an RN I can answer that for you, “No!” A hero nurse or physician would be one that insisted on giving a patient hydro chloroquine in a Nevada Hospital. Otherwise, just doing our job. In fact it’s a little embarrassing to have random strangers thanking me. Particularly as we have so few patients that we are getting called off, at least 50% of the time.

  3. This country tosses about terms like ‘hero’ like ‘jelly donut’. Don’t get me wrong and I appreciate their efforts.

    But medical employees, and no, they aren’t ‘workers’ as they are portrayed by the communist/leftists, are free American individuals. They voluntarily show up to do the jobs they chose as an avocation

    Thank you. Don’t expect a parade.

  4. Yup Judge. Remember one of the goals of Obamacare was to eliminate privately-owned hospitals. Looks like that mission is being accomplished before our eyes.

  5. I Work in EMS, tomorrow morning I lay off staff. I am a mid level supervisor and we are furloughing staff.
    This all a big joke, we see it for what it actually is. Please don’t get me wrong, this is a bad flu and nothing more. This should be taken seriously by the elderly and those with immune deficiencies.

    Hong Kong flu in 1968-60 100,000 or less, U.S. deaths.

    Chinese Flu https://www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/gcw3vr/report_cdc_shocks_everyone_with_newly_adjusted/


    Bat Soup flu
    From the CDC 38,576 is a lot less than the 50 to 60k killed some sources were reporting.

    It is so easy to check numbers and resources, yet the MSM is so lame.

    Dear media ass-ho’s. Please go fuck yourselves.
    We see you for what you are.

  6. Pardon me for being so blunt.
    Tomorrow I start laying off staff.

    Please take care all my friends, we are safe and just need to look out for each other.


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