Unplanned Scenes At Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Unplanned Scenes At Planned Parenthood

Something happened during today’s prayer shift…

It was very quiet, no “traffic” in and out, because the PP clinic was closed for an afternoon meeting. Another woman and I were praying the rosary off to the side, in the shade, as it was over 85 degrees today. From my vantage point, I can see along the front of the building, past the front door, to the street corner.
While we were praying, a woman drove by on the opposite side of the street. She stopped, because of the traffic light, read my sign, and leaned out her open window. She gave us the middle finger gesture and then yelled, “YOU should have been aborted!” 
That really hit me. The middle finger gesture, other epithets, thumbs-down signs–those don’t really bother me. 
But that sentence did. 
Part of my brain was trying to process it as we finished our prayers. Then I explained to the woman with me what had been said, because she’d only seen the gesture. She stared at me, astonished and shocked. We talked about it for a minute, and then sat in silence.
A few moments later, a man in a motorized wheelchair/cart came around the corner, just beyond PP’s front door. He stopped, leaned to the side, and looked as if he was talking on one of those ear phone things (like I’d know what it’s called…) Then he started forward, toward us. As he came nearer, I braced myself, wondering if he would say anything. People do, sometimes, and it can be harsh. 
As he came closer, he started smiling. I was sitting on the chair I always bring, so we were at the same height. He stopped close to me, only about a foot away, and said, “Every time I come by here, I lay hands on this building, and I pray that the women who come here will go somewhere else…” As he was speaking, I took off my sunglasses and looked straight into his eyes. He continued, “God bless your work here.” I smiled at him and replied, “And God bless what YOU do, too.” 
He started up his motorized chair, and continued on his way.— 

43 Comments on Unplanned Scenes At Planned Parenthood

  1. I hope I don’t go to hell for this, but we are not ready to stop abortions in the inner city. Get the damn Dems the hell out of there first. We don’t need any more human beings trying to kill whitey right now. Or voting against our candidates. Sorry, just being honest.

  2. This is obviously a complicated topic. What about mothers that continuously give birth to drug addicted or fetal alcohol babies. If they go into a subsidized abortion clinic they need their tubes tied. I could go on but I’ll wait.

  3. Or having a brood with 6 different men. There’s no justice or equity to tax payers. Just another thug. We need forced sterilization for serial abusers. Not trying to sound sound like a Nazi. I’m probably way overboard.

  4. It’s unbelievable that we will tolerate such abhorrent behavior when in our own lives the majority of us would not accept it. We damn sure have a war on our hands.

  5. I pray for our snuffed unborn every day.

    To say there is a reason to end their lives is sadly misguided. Please change the constructs that put a baby in this position in the first place, First. That baby is always innocent.

  6. Hey Guys, what you all need to ask yourselves is “what came first, the chicken or the egg.” Disrespect for life magnifies and manifests in other behavior.

    Abortion on demand foments anger, promiscuity, drugs, alcoholism, mental problems, etc. Our society got on the slippery slope when the Protestant faiths gave in to birth control in the 40s. People of all faiths jumped on the new “freedom.” Selfishness flourished.

    Because “we are entitled” to have sex without having babies, when birth control fails, abortion follows. What follows abortion is a plethora of societal ills. We’re there now.

  7. Pbird
    And let them breed and it you and yours that are dying. Assholes like me are not responsible for this truth. If you have two children from different fathers and apply for welfare, mandatory sterilization. That pattern is easy to spot. Or, castrate all democrats. Lets start with the politicians. I’m really not trying to sound like a whack job, but I have children that need to survive in this mess long after I’m gone.

  8. eternal cracker p
    That’s not reality and you know it. Tell me where I’m wrong. With out Planned Parenthood we perpetuate our enemy. Not my call. I’m a miniscule son of bitch in this bull shit. But as I’m worried about November 4th and Antifa and BLM joining forces I realize I’m short ammo.

  9. eternal cracker p
    You are not being honest in this debate. Let’s talk about them when they are 16 and have a gun in your face. Baby rattlers are always the most dangerous. Like I say, we need some serious legislation to get a grip on this problem. Two abortions from different fathers, mandatory sterilization. I deplore killing babies too. But we have some problems that you and I did not create.

  10. Hey Brad, we are not out of ammo until we are out of money. Can you imagine if that is a real day of destiny? I’ve been a 30% carry guy, but I can see that needs to be increased.

  11. eternal cracker p

    Who is going to take charge of them and raise them right so the don’t shoot you and yours in a car jacking? Honest question. You? Not me, I work non stop. So then who?

  12. Bad_Brad, you say legislation, I say constructs. I’m not in reality apparently.

    Regardless, even before antifa, before Hitler, before whenever. We’ve always been at conflict with each other in society. Protect yourself always, I’m not denying.

    To say this particular child will point a gun in your face at age 0 days is insane. Give it a rest. Change the BS that gets him to 16 with a gun in your face.

  13. @joe6pak October 27, 2017 at 1:13 am

    “It’s unbelievable that we will tolerate such abhorrent behavior when in our own lives the majority of us would not accept it.”
    The majority of “us” cheer it. And call ourselves Loyal Citizens™ and Patriots™ for paying to support The Rule of Law™ when it “forces” us to support such an “abomination”.

    “We damn sure have a war on our hands.”
    Not when one side just waves them in the air.

  14. And it’s not 16 year olds we have to worry about, 12 year olds with no moral upbringing are just as dangerous. And drug addicted newborns are absolutely heartbreaking, from every angle. We have a war on our hands and we have to win.

  15. eternal

    It’s not To say this particular child will point a gun in your face, it’s a statistical probability. A young black man who has no idea who his father is living in a highly dense populated area is more apt to stick a gun in your face than a young black person of the same age coming from a two parent household with professional parents in a well to do community. Tell me I’m wrong.

  16. Bad_Brad,
    I pollute the environment, I’m alive for fuck sake.

    Tell me where I shouldn’t be killed for my crimes.

    We’re talking about 0 day children. Dude. You can’t off them for wanting to be alive.

    Do you want those stats stated in the kids eulogy when he meets the forceps?

  17. @anonymous, I’m not sure if I understand what you are saying. With the for trademarks of “loyal citizens”, “patriots”, “the rule of law”, I don’t know if you’re making fun of me or agreeing with me.

  18. eternal

    Just so we understand each other, neither one of us created this problem, neither one of this created this threat. You focus on the individual, I focus on the group. I wish I could see things your way. But right now I can’t.

  19. Bad_Brad,
    I don’t want unborn killed individually or in a group.
    You look at them like demon spawns coming to take your iron and brass.
    I look at them as the next future. Something that requires proper grooming.
    We could both go unload, however I have a feeling humanity will prevail.

  20. Eternal
    You totally misunderstand me and don’t get my point a of view. I admire your willingness to put your head on the chopping block. That requires a great deal of faith. I’m not there, at all. Can’t wait to here your opinion of our Muslim brothers.

  21. Ah Jesus, such a difficult problem to approach today. Being a “Practical Catholic” I do not agree with abortion, but I do believe in the death penalty for depraved murderers and treasonous politicians.
    I once read a story of a 22 year old black girl who had three children from three different bucks who never hung around. She was proud of the fact that her Grand Mammy told her, she was the “bread winner of the family.” Because the government paid her monthly for each child, and the Grand Mammy took the children in as foster children and the government paid her too.
    That beats working for a living. Right?
    Many years ago Senator Daniel Moynahan, the last great democrat from New York , suggested that the black people should be given a little “benign neglect,” meaning that they should be encourage to work and get off the welfare roles. He was branded a racist.
    Around the same time President Johnson signed the 1965 Civil Rights Act and was quoted as saying “This will have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years.”
    Johnson is winning and the black are losing, big time.
    As one of our Founders said, Our Republic , our Constitution. is made for moral and religious people and will not work otherwise.

  22. As unfortunate as it is, we can’t ignore the demographics of our situation. Responsible couples of all colors and backgrounds are having fewer children. Irresponsible individuals, specifically minorities and especially muslims have as a goal, the procreating of as many government supported offspring as they can. We are going to be outnumbered! We need to wake up to what the tactics of our enemies are!

  23. @joe6pak October 27, 2017 at 1:58 am

    I disagree that the emperor’s moral fig leaves cover anything. Anything at all. I’m not sure if that means we disagree, or not.

  24. Oh!! So the government allows people you don’t like to have babies.

    Heaven forbid. Change the government instead of killing babies.

    The call to end white race in America started in the 60s. Wake up already.

  25. eternal cracker p, you are grasping at straws there. I’ve got to believe you recognize what is being described is individual morality and not government sanctioned behavior. We absolutely have an individual morality problem, with more than two sides of the coin. There is not one size fits all answer. If it was easy I’d tell you what the answer is. Until then we all have to do the best we can.

  26. Grasping at straws? Bullshit! Where does God’s given rights end and yours begin? Heck, where does the Government’s god given rights even begin let alone end?

    Glad to know I’m among a bunch of left baby killers around here. Nice crowd.

  27. Killing babies is NEVER the solution.

    Not to over-population. Not to poverty. Not to fetal syndromes caused by mom’s (or dad’s) addictions. Not even to rape. (ohhh, so controversial)

    Abortion is genocide. It is the epitome of evil & shouldn’t be condoned under any circumstance.

  28. @ B-B “Who is going to take charge of them and raise them right ….”
    Answer, I am. I met my son over 5 years ago in my accountants office. His grandmother had picked him up from jail on her way to work that morning. I offered to help. To babysit. Went to take him home at the end of the week and grandma wouldn’t answer the door. Long story short, God put a baby in my lap and I said, “Thank you!” It was the fight of my life to get custody and then adopt him. Born in the hood, my son was destined to be a sad statistic. God had other plans. He’s not yet six and reading already (so proud!), adding and subtracting and writing cursive. He’s been memorizing scripture since he was three years old. Does he have issues? Yes he does. Mostly related to the State of Oregons bullshit policy of reuniting families come hell or high water. He has his struggles, but he also has the gift of joy and an incredible anointing. As does each and every child. I believe absolutely, that if each of us took just one of these children, we could raise up an entire generation of kids that defy the odds.

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