Animals will never allow the dumbest of the herd to lead them.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists. —Hannah Arendt
Last week, I received a lovely note from Les Fradkin, world-famous award-winning composer and virtuoso MIDI guitarist and so much more. He said, “I read your NewsWithViews columns all the time. You really need to hear this. Quote it if you like in your column. My gift to you.” I loved it because he sang about what is happening to our country, and for us to “turn to the truth and turn to the light.” We know who that is…the good Lord God Almighty. Listen here.
I’ve been blessed with readers like Les Fradkin, a brilliant musician and entertainer, and the many folks who comment on my articles and instill in me the courage and tenacity to continue researching and writing. Without them, I’d have given it up long ago.
Now to the subject at hand.
Fear and Submission
When I enter grocery stores, the malls, the garden center at Home Depot or any other retailer and see my fellow Tennesseans with face diapers, sometimes two, even when they’re outside in the fresh air, it breaks my heart. I’m shocked at their docile and obsequious attitude for a virus that has a 99.75 percent recovery. Their blind obedience to the perfidious media, Dr. Fauci and the socialist democrats make me cringe. I never thought this many of my fellow Americans would be so compliant. They have been deluded into accepting control, the restrictions and the totalitarian destruction of our God-given rights.
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They asked for a king in the old testament. They wanted someone to rule over them.
Doesn’t matter whether it’s atheists or jews rebelling against God.
People want someone to tell them what to do so they don’t have to decide for themselves. Because they are moral reprobates.
The strongest and most intelligent rule over the weak and less intelligent.
It’s the nature of life in general as well as that of man. The law of the jungle is the law of life.
Want to know which is which?
Look at who rules and who is subject to their rule and it becomes obvious.
“People want someone to tell them what to do so they don’t have to decide for themselves. Because they are moral reprobates.”
The ignorant bastards think this insulates them from responsibility for their wanton and deliberate actions. It doesn’t.
I have posted in the past about the parallel Universe the progressives inhabit, where good and virtue and sin are flipped, and this is yet another excellent example. Being an idiot is virtuous in their world.
“Animals will never allow the dumbest of the herd to lead them.”
Godless humans are lower than animals.
The compliant always act the most virtuous.
Relatives just showed up from another state with their masks on. They believe in the gov’t and what the msm tells them. Try to tell them the facts and they just roll their eyes. Mention the stolen election and it’s more eyeroll.
Hey Anon!
Say “What’s your hurry, here’s your hat” to them and watch them roll.
Human beings are so compliant, and trusting they don’t even require sheep dogs. They keep themselves in line.
I asked my local shop keeper why he won’t do business with me unless I wear a mask..? He flat out said; “The customers are complaining.”
Made my annual trek across the border with my five gallon gas cans. Relatively close and they have NO ALCOHOL premium gas that I use in my snow blower and lawn & garden equipment. Filled up the cans and had to go inside to take a piss (or is it leave one), anyway I grabbed the mask like a good little sheeple and when I got inside I noticed I was the only one wearing a mask. Very embarrassing!
Illinois is still in lockdown for the most part although Abu at the “Quickie Mart” (where I get my weekly Lotto ticket) doesn’t require the masks. Sign on the door says please wear a mask, but most going in don’t…
Shipped the boss off to Florida for a little over two weeks and it’s going to be a real pain in the ass shopping. Although I still have the original mask I started wearing over a year ago. Recent trip to the doctor found me bragging that I was proud of my original sheeple badge and wondered how effective it was after over a year of wearing it. I laughed, he laughed and said “How effective would a new one be, or two or wearing three?” Said he while being a “good employee” wearing his mask.
Apologies to SNS for copyright infringement on length…