Unreal- Jesuits make “The Catholic Case for Communism” – IOTW Report

Unreal- Jesuits make “The Catholic Case for Communism”

ChiGuy writes- The Jesuits have long been on the far left edge of the Catholic community, but they have now gone all the way off the deep end.  
The official Jesuit magazine “America” has published an appalling article:

The Catholic Case for Communism

“From each according to ability, to each according to need,” Marx summarizes in “Critique of the Gotha Program,” a near echo of Luke’s description of the early church in Acts 4:35 and 11:29

As Marx and Engels put it in “The Communist Manifesto”: “In place of the bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” It is with that hope for free development, beyond the competition of capitalists, that many Catholics, myself included, count themselves among the communists.

Fortunately, the Acton Institute has delivered a strong response:

There is no ‘Catholic case for communism’

27 Comments on Unreal- Jesuits make “The Catholic Case for Communism”

  1. This is in fact heresy. There was an instance in Acts where the Christians in Jerusalem sold their belongings and placed them in community ownership. They only did it in Jerusalem. They didn’t do it Corinth, They didn’t do it in Ephesus. They only did it there. That was because Christians understood that Jerusalem was to be destroyed in their lifetime, and they were getting the hell out of Dodge “no stone will be left standing upon another” And it, the Temple was completely destroyed and Jerusalem completely sacked in 70 AD by Titus.

    Communism wasn’t just a sin. It was and is THE sin.

    You have to take the failed clergy with the grain of salt. It’s disgraceful

  2. Holy communion vs unholy communism.

    There can be ONLY ONE.

    Catholicism, hence Christianity, has saved many a people, over two thousand years.

    Yes, I know the shit going down historically now with immigration, house of sanctuaries and the pervs.

    THAT is a temporary thing that is being hopefully purged.

    Paging St Thomas Aquinas, Joseph and Francis.

    @ Christina Bellar – I thought that was “does the Pope wear a big hat?”

    Like Fur.

  3. The Jesuits might want to familiarize themselves with two papal encyclicals:
    Divini Redemptoris and Rerum Novarum. These encyclicals condemn communism and socialism. It’s church teaching, but that never bothered the Jesuits before,

  4. “From each according to ability, to each according to need,”

    And the Jesuits definitely have a need for both young boys and their parishioner’s money. No wonder Communism suits them fine.

  5. The Cat-lick church has been infected since Vatican II.

    This is not any different from any major institution at the time, to be INFECTED.

    Said as a Catholic.

  6. First of all the photo atop the article is sacrilege and the Pope’s lack of condemnation a heresy. Secondly, do the rather generous Jesuit grant a general dispensation to the commies for the over 200 million killed in 20th century alone?
    Nah, the practicing Catholic ain’t buying. Go sell it in South America

  7. Where mah free development fo drinking Steel Reserve, smoking blunts, and Camels, unduh duh tree?

    Jesuits didn’t start out being clowns. And the papists are insane.

    Oh well.

    Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
    Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

    I’ll stick with the Latin, as it was closest used in The Book of Common Prayer (the one I grew up with).

    Glory be to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. As it was in the Beginning, Is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

  8. Perhaps it’s senility setting in, but I seem to remember the penguins teaching us for all eight years in grade school that communism was one of the greatest evils in the world. Not to mention that the Jesuits were called the “Defenders of the Faith.”

    But this goes back to a time when we had no lay teachers. All were nuns doing the teaching…

  9. My late father was from the blasphemous branch of Catholicism. He used to say, “dammit, any time you have a place run by Jesuits it’s just a goddam trade school for Communists!!”

    Pope John Paul 2 must be furious. He, Thatcher and Reagan defeated the Soviet Empire and the Warsaw Pact. He also did his utmost stamping out the Liberation Theology infestation. But thanks to Pope Frank it’s back stronger than ever.

    I thank God every day that I left the Catlick Church, am Born Again and a member of the Southern Baptist Convention

  10. Now for some religious jokes!

    How do Catholics make Holy Water? They boil the hell out of it.

    When you invite a Baptist to go fishing how do you keep him from drinking all your beer?
    Invite a second Baptist to go fishing too

  11. I restate from yesterday regarding pope francis vs Pope John Paul II (who was Polish)

    REAGAN, THATCHER and JOHN PAUL II worked together to defeat COMMUNISM! Period.

    JOHN PAUL II felt communism was EVIL!

    francis not so much.

    I am not capitalizing francis on purpose.

    South Americans, in general, are not free people. They are ruled mostly by corrupt dictators, puppets, or failed governments. By picking francis what did we think we would get.

  12. Matthew 16:18 – And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
    I believe the words of my Lord.

  13. When I was in college (Benedictine) I was in the Campus Ministry and said: If I had the power I would excommunicate every Goddamn Jesuit en mass and only lift the order on individual examination. That started a shitstorm that lasted nearly a week.

  14. Aharte and those who gave 16 thumbs up…this from the Jesuit website….The Jesuits. We are the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests and brothers founded half a millennium ago by the soldier-turned-mystic Ignatius …

  15. Participation in Christian charity and sharing is voluntary.

    Had Jesus wanted to compel earthly adherence to his ethical teachings he would have thrown himself down from the temple.


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