Unreleased CDC Study Supports 2nd Amendment – IOTW Report

Unreleased CDC Study Supports 2nd Amendment

A study never made public by the Centers for Disease Control gathered information on the lawful use of guns by citizens to protect themselves for the three-year period of 1996-1998. The raw data collected by the CDC indicated there had been an average of 2.46 million defensive handgun uses (DHU) per year which, ““[implies] that guns were used defensively by victims about 3.6 times as often as they were used offensively by criminals.” More

6 Comments on Unreleased CDC Study Supports 2nd Amendment

  1. This is another bloated gov’t agency that needs to be audited and whittled down.

    If you go to their website, their A-Z topic finder lists no gun topic at all. I was just curious — with the release of this info — if they had decided to make that info available. Nope. More taxpayer money spent to weaponize a gov’t agency, by their silence, against us.

  2. Funny, I seem to remember doctors being instructed by the Obama Administration to ask if patients had guns at home, but the CDC didn’t want to pursue a study of guns used in self defense. Actually, that’s not funny at all, it’s infuriating.

  3. Apparently they self-censored.

    The very fact that they hid the results of a study
    (who asked for the study?)
    (who pays for these studies? – WE DO!)
    is absolutely appalling.

  4. I’ll bet the Rabid Rabbi Putz of Portlandia and his gun hating pals don’t want to hear any of this.

    They are the ones responsible for getting I.P. 43 on the ballot in Oregon and it makes Commifornia’s look weak!


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