Unwanted Posters Issued at Last Night’s Debate – IOTW Report

Unwanted Posters Issued at Last Night’s Debate


Debate security issued a poster of three Trump staffers from Fox News’ spin room, according to reporters at the debate. The notice was posted at a security table near the metal detectors at the entrance to the debate spin room.

The poster shows three photos with the names of three Trump staffers: Jason Miller, Justin Caporale, and Danny Tiso. More

34 Comments on Unwanted Posters Issued at Last Night’s Debate

  1. Not actually related to this:

    Given the arrest and other bullshit directed at President Trump I have decided that no matter who is nominated or placed on the ballot I AM GOING TO WRITE IN TRUMP for President and Sarah Palin forVP.🤗

  2. ^^^^^^
    Make certain that you write ‘Donald J. Trump’ and ‘Sarah L. Palin’ Use their full names as it’s the only hope we’ve got of votes for them actually being counted.

    Great minds think alike because just today I was thinking that writing in was the only chance we’re going to get.

  3. We shouldn’t even be TALKING about who’s going to be the NEXT President.

    We should be SHOUTING about the FACT that President Trump is the CURRENT President.

    And EVERY. SINGLE. REPUBLICAN. should be saying the SAME THING.

    …and it should be MORE than words.

    much, MUCH more…

  4. Sorry SNS but that is pretty ridiculous.
    Where will that get anyone?
    Trump is NOT president.
    Like or not to say otherwise makes you look like a loony bird.

    Pretty easy to debunk.
    “Well then, why doesn’t he pardon himself for the documents & DC cases?”

  5. I will never call the Pedophile the president of the United States.

    Because he never was, and never will be.

    You do as you like, but I will not be a party to legitimizing a fraud.

  6. …and as to “Where will that get anyone”?

    …nowhere, if it’s just me.

    It will shake the throne if its ALL of us.

    The so-called Republican “leadership” in particular.

    One wonders what they hope to gain, since its clear that any legitimate “win” can be stolen from them after a breif “pause in counting”.

    …I wonder if 30 pieces of silver is still the going rate…

  7. President Trump is in a position that his words can cause a Civil War, and he knows it. But his saying that he believes the election was taken by fraud amounts to the same thing.

    I won’t be party to a 100 post thread on this. I will simply restate that the Pedophile is not, never was, and never will be the legitimate elected President of The United States, and we ALL know it.

    Including everyone at the so-called “debate”.

    And most especially Pence.

    We all SAW him get paid.

    Just before he ordered the murder of unarmed wan veteran Ashli Babbitt as an official announcement that their will wouldbe imposed at the point of a gun.

    As all Communist regimes inevitably are.

  8. I didn’t watch the debate and only got around to watching Tucker interviewing Trump this morning on Rumble. So I held off watching anything about how it went until I did that. And I’ve only checked out people I can listen to without throwing something at the TV. What I find absolutely fascinating is that if I didn’t know he was there, I wouldn’t even know Pence has shown up. Nobody has even mentioned him. Of course, there are others they haven’t mentioned to but he’s the former VP. You’d think he’d at least get a mention, just to say how bad he did. But nope. Did he fade into the curtains or something.

  9. Well said SNS!….Some assholes just can’t admit that we are at a destination point of the survival of America. I think mostly because they like to argue and brag about being the 100th comment….

  10. ” we are at a destination point of the survival of America”

    That’s accurate. And what worries me is they have bad things planned for Trump. And none of it has the slightest taint of “Justice”. These people need to pay.

  11. @ Loco…..I’ve said that many times. If you didn’t see it, then that’s your fault. <<<<<<<plagiarized from Rich when he was asked about Biden being illegitimate…..

  12. “Just before he ordered the murder of unarmed wan veteran Ashli Babbitt”

    You have made this claim before, is there a direct link from Pence to the cold-blooded murder of Ashli? I always thought her tragic death was the result of a poorly trained affirmative action hire who acted criminally on his own, but if there is a link, I would love to see it.

    “We all SAW him get paid”

    What do you mean by this? Are you saying someone got to him and bribed him into his actions on Jan 6th?

  13. “@ Brad….This bullshit mugshot thingy is laying out the fuse.”

    I don’t think they have a clue what they are about to potentially kick off. If .005 percent of his supporters decide they’ve seen enough, they have big problems.

  14. When I read outrageously sounding claims, my first reaction is that somebody knows something I don’t and I want to learn more. But saying Pence himself ordered the murder of Ashli, or even saying that he put out a ,”Shoot first, ask questions later” order to the Capitol Police, I need some receipts on these.

  15. SNS, your link says ,”Who gave Pence a Prize or Treat and what is it?”

    Do you know what it was?

    I was more offended by him elbow-bumping that witch Pelosi, that alone disqualifies him.


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