Up Next? Climate Lockdown – IOTW Report

Up Next? Climate Lockdown

Climate lockdown: Paper published in prestigious journal laments ‘democracy’ & calls for ‘authoritarian environmentalism’ modeled after COVID lockdowns to fight climate ’emergency’

30 Comments on Up Next? Climate Lockdown

  1. The stupidity in this world will be the death of this world. The elites know it but don’t care because they have sufficient wealth to survive the destruction that they are bringing upon the peons.

  2. “Yet, it is undeniable that nearly all wealthy democratic states have failed to respond adequately to the climate crisis. By contrast, various less affluent authoritarian regimes have been successful in implementing”

    China is an EXTREMELY authoritarian regime, but is not noted for implementing “climate change” restrictions on itself.

    Unless you count political enemies murdered by them as “carbon credits”. By THAT yardstick they are money ahead…

  3. What’s the best method for composting the dead bodies of climate psychos, propagandists, and totalitarian politicians and bureaucrats to make plant fertilizer or organic chemical feed stocks? What chemicals or other materials do you have to add and in what proportion? How can you best reduce the odor of rotting corpses? Large or small batches? How long does the process take?

    Asking for that friend again.

  4. Uncle Al ʘ FU46i
    JANUARY 1, 2022 AT 5:17 PM
    “What’s the best method for composting the dead bodies of climate psychos, propagandists, and totalitarian politicians and bureaucrats…”

    1) Kill.
    2) Throw in ditch.
    3) Coat liberally (heh) with calcium oxide (Quicklime).

    Nothing but odorless bones in about a week.

    Note: if you cripple them sufficiently, step (1) is optional, as inhaled calcium oxide will handle this anyways, in a very painful way, something like this (LANGUAGE WARNING VIOLENCE WARNING)


    …So maybe its better that way…

  5. @ Uncle Al ʘ FU46i JANUARY 1, 2022 AT 5:17 PM

    If these assholes were as committed to the cause as they would like us to believe, they would be offing themselves left and right.

    Either way, your question shouldn’t be too hard to decipher and once we do, we can start taking care of the bodies, whether they off themselves, or have some help.

    And they are just about past the point of not getting help if they keep pushing people the way they are.

  6. @SNS — While the ditch/quicklime method is hugely better than just leaving the corpses lying around, and 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 appreciates the suggestion, that just gets rid of the debris. 𝑴𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 would like to turn all that previously useless organic matter into something useful, so that with the addition of a little entrepreneurial ingenuity 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 could make some good money.

  7. @Supernightshade — The best idea 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 has come up with is to render the fat into tallow and make candles. Then the enviro-progs can hold candle-light vigils for their departed pals with candles made from those same pals. There’s something poetic about that that appeals to m̶e̶ 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅.

  8. @stirrin the FJB Pot January 1, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    > The elites know it but don’t care because they have sufficient wealth to survive the destruction that they are bringing upon the peons.

    But… How could that be?

  9. @Dry gulched January 1, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    > I wish we’d get on with this civil war

    Accepting the rules imposed by those that call you “enemy”… is a plan. I won’t call it a “good” plan. But it certainly is a plan.

    > because we’re gonna have one helluva mess to clean up

    Not if you start with a plan. A good plan.

  10. It became obvious after the two weeks of lockdown was extended without a clear end date that it was all about conditioning us for never ending control. Our elitist betters as much as said so, many times.

  11. The problem is anyone who goes out to enforce this bullshit isn’t going to live out the month in many parts of this country; so have fun mentally jacking off you climate cult scumbags.


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