Up Next: Cracking down on illegal immigration with laws already in the books – IOTW Report

Up Next: Cracking down on illegal immigration with laws already in the books


DC: The White House is exploring all executive authorities in existing law that will allow an aggressive crackdown on illegal immigration and legal immigration fraud, senior adviser to the president Stephen Miller told The Daily Caller in an exclusive telephone interview.

“There’s going to be an aggressive effort to utilize every existing authority in statute,” Miller announced, explaining that several authorities exist in immigration laws passed by Congress throughout history, including the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act.

Miller noted that the White House is “systematically reviewing all authorities that are already on the books, both in terms of cracking down on illegal immigration and […] the abuse of our legal immigration system.” The targeted abuse actions include illegal immigrants who overstay temporary visas, “combatting or addressing legal benefit seeking in the legal immigration system.”

Noting that there are approximately 1 million illegal aliens in the United States with final removal orders that still remain at large—in some cases for several years—Miller gave one example for the type of executive action the administration can take. The presidential adviser noted that existing law has a statute that allows for a “significant financial penalty” for every single day that an alien resides in the country after being ordered removed.

“This law has been on the books for a very long time and has not been utilized. That’s the example of the kind of legal authority that already exists that is the kind of thing we can deploy to restore integrity to the immigration system.”

Miller stressed that legal immigration abuse will be targeted aggressively, particularly “welfare seeking” by legal immigrants or, in some cases, “welfare tourism.” He neglected to offer a timeline for when the orders will be implemented, but said that “this is going to begin right away.”  read more

14 Comments on Up Next: Cracking down on illegal immigration with laws already in the books

  1. Cracking down on the problem requires the problem cracking down on itself: Congress. Cut the benefits that draw illegals. Saying no to cheap labor, more plantation voters, and lobbying from Chambers of Cheap Commerce must be harder than battling substance abuse.

  2. Shut off the freebies and you end the problem.

    It’s actually that simple, end all government payments and other benefits to anyone that has migrated here, either legally (f they’re not citizens) or illegally.

  3. Why do Democrats like to pass more laws but not enforce the ones already on the books?

    I know the reason: it’s not that they don’t enforce the law, they believe in selective enforcement. It allows them to punish people they don’t like by being strict while letting their allies face no consequences. Just look how Hillary and company were able to destroy evidence with no consequences but people associated with Trump are going to prison for giving mistakenly wrong answers.

  4. It isn’t just the democrats….. If it was, many of our current problems would have been dealt with when republicans held majorities.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Old Mitch ‘The Turtle’ McConnell is now running the country, not DT! He has enough RINO senators (including my own two) in his cabal to ensure impeachment! DT knows this and must capitulate whenever ‘The Turtle’ tells him too! Just watch Mich and listen to what he says and then watch DT’s reaction! There will not be any crackdown on illegal criminal foreign invasion under the ‘Turtles’ watch! The ‘Turtle’ has turned out to be the Left’s vaunted insurance plan geared to keep DT in his place or to remove him from office!

  6. Almost as soon as these laws were signed, the courts and bureaucrats were hamstringing them. They do need to be enforced. Honestly, if existing laws cannot be enforced, what good is it to make new laws?

  7. That’s all well and good….. until a SJW judge smacks them down. Flores anyone?

    In 1985, two organizations filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of immigrant children detained by the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) challenging procedures regarding the detention, treatment, and release of children. After many years of litigation, including an appeal to the United States Supreme Court, the parties reached a settlement in 1997.

    The Flores Settlement Agreement imposed several obligations on the immigration authorities, which fall into three broad categories:

    The government is required to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay in order of preference beginning with parents and including other adult relatives as well as licensed programs willing to accept custody.
    With respect to children for whom a suitable placement is not immediately available, the government is obligated to place children in the “least restrictive” setting appropriate to their age and any special needs.
    The government is required to implement standards relating to the care and treatment of children in immigration detention.
    According to advocates, as well as the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, the INS did not immediately comply with the terms of the Agreement. It was only after the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) assumed responsibility for the care and custody of unaccompanied children in 2003—a product of years of advocacy on the part of human rights organizations, religious groups, and political leaders—that significant changes were implemented.

  8. “a “significant financial penalty” for every single day that an alien resides in the country after being ordered removed”
    For who? The illegals got no money or wealth. Their all on the system.


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