Up Next: #GarageGate – IOTW Report

Up Next: #GarageGate

JUST IN: House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Launches First Investigation Into Biden Classified Documents #GarageGate

GP: House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) launched the first congressional investigation into classified documents stored at Joe Biden’s private office and home.

It was revealed this week that Joe Biden improperly stored stolen classified documents at his private office and in his garage next to his Corvette. Joe Biden STOLE the classified documents.

“The former Vice President Joe Biden did not have these same privileges as Vice President as President’s do. Vice Presidents, like anyone else, cannot take government records. They can’t take Vice Presidential records when they leave office and they certainly can’t take classified records.” Attorney Mike Davis explained on Bannon’s War Room. more

10 Comments on Up Next: #GarageGate

  1. Gotta hand it to the Clintons.
    Those grifting rat-bastards took furniture and expensive, historic silverware.
    Fuck those documents…”hey, look, the Rose Law Billing docs just appeared on that desk right there”

    Of course no telling what the assholes stole that they got away with?

  2. joe* brags about his beloved Corvette, normally aspirated gasoline engine that he wants to relegate to museums so those born today will never get the thrill of the thunder & rumble when it’s started, the smells associated with gasoline & oil, getting their hands dirty fixing it, the excuse of “running out of gas” when you are parked with your best girl, rebuilding the carburetor, learning power mechanics, racing in the streets, Route 66, Americana in a nutshell.

    I hate that motherfucker SO MUCH and wish him DEAD every waking moment of my existence…

  3. Asshole douchebag joe* recently appeared on “Jay Leno’s Garage”

    I didn’t watch but I’m certain he made an ass of himself, plagiarized someone else’s life experience and left jay thinking “how in the WORLD is THIS MOTHERFUCKER president of the United States of America?”

  4. “They can’t take Vice Presidential records when they leave office…”

    …so, no Vice-Presidential libraies anywhere?

    …dammit, I wanted to go to the Walter Mondale one to see if Fritz’s genius can still put entire crowds to sleep like it did back in the day…

  5. It’s just a distraction. Call it Political Prestidigitation, watch what the right had is doing so you won’t see what they do with the left hand!

    Those commie bastards are up to something I’d put money on it!


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