Update on Gaza Ownership Speech by President Trump – IOTW Report

Update on Gaza Ownership Speech by President Trump

In the press conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Trump stated that he want the US to take ownership of the Gaza Strip. Here is a snippet of his talk:

An update to that statement about taking ownership, Mike Waltz, National Security Advisor, confirmed on X yesterday:

“that Trump’s proposal to “take over Gaza” is meant to pressure neighboring Arab nations to come up with their own solution.”

Is this the “Art of the Deal” or does President Trump really have plans to take ownership of Gaza?

10 Comments on Update on Gaza Ownership Speech by President Trump

  1. I do not believe President Trump wants or intends to take ownership of Gaza. He’s taking the role of the proverbial Levantine rug merchant and as started the haggling with a high asking price.

  2. For him to even suggest it is a big mistake. He is turning Gaza into our problem and it is not. And floating the idea that Palestinians should leave is morally wrong. That is their home.

    Domestically he has been hitting home runs but this move makes it look like he is bought and paid for by the Adelson family. I voted for him but I don’t like the way this looks.

  3. Sure, the area belongs to the Palestinians but where exactly are they going to live? The place is nothing but rubble and there is no water or electricity. And nobody in the region is going to want Israel managing it, including Israel. But none of the Arab states want to take responsibility either except to complain about Isreal.

    So Trump being Trump pulls a parent move and basically says if you aren’t gonna clean up your mess then I will. But I’ll do it my way. Now they’re all focused on him and the real problem which is where to put the Palestinians until they have a home to, you know, actually live & work & survive in?

  4. Hello-o!? Refugee “Camp”, let them “camp”. Any reconstruction in the hands or adjacent to the Gazans is going to be rife with graft for cultural reasons and because you haven’t defeated Hamas so the workers, you’d have to have them build their own, will be stealing materials to make mo’better tunnels and bunkers. The other reason they have to build it themselves is the history from when Israel withderw and what did the petulant adolescents do in their pique? Destroyed it all.

    Do not “give” them anything. Insist that they earn it, in the hopes that they will be disinclined to destroy (who am I kidding).


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